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Reged: 08/07/06
Posts: 1688
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vclock3 running behind PC clock
07/07/23 05:30 AM

I just tried VoxClock 3 on latest MAME (0.256) and for science I let the clock running a few hours. I noticed as it is now, it takes around 79 seconds to reach a minute. Overclocking main CPU to over 115% kinda fixes the issue, but still misses a second after a few hours.

I should be creating me a mametesters account, because once in a while I found these kind of things and it looks like a legit report. Searching for the driver there doesn't return this bug.

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Subject Posted by Posted on
* vclock3 running behind PC clock BIOS-D 07/07/23 05:30 AM
. * Re: vclock3 running behind PC clock Pr3tty F1y  07/07/23 11:54 PM
. * Re: vclock3 running behind PC clock BIOS-D  07/08/23 04:27 AM

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