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Mr. DoAdministrator
MAME Art Editor
Reged: 09/21/03
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Missing an Atari Tetris sticker
08/08/22 08:53 PM Attachment: tetris_stickers.jpg 603 KB (3 downloads)

Just noticed we are missing a sticker for Atari Tetris. Current artwork only has the "Avoid Leaving Holes" sticker. We are missing the "Build Solid Lines" sticker.

Any chance someone can work off this photo? (Or better, knows someone that might have the other sticker?). Font for the sticker is Friz Quadrata Bold.

First reply to this post is the current sticker, for reference.



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Subject Posted by Posted on
* Missing an Atari Tetris sticker Mr. DoAdministrator 08/08/22 08:53 PM
. * Re: Missing an Atari Tetris sticker Mr. DoAdministrator  08/08/22 08:53 PM
. * Re: Missing an Atari Tetris sticker (kinda fixed) Mr. DoAdministrator  08/11/22 08:34 AM

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