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Ramtek's Trivia promoter
Reged: 09/21/03
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Re: Dear Trump voters
01/17/19 11:44 PM

>Thanks for ruining the country, now you're going to starve to death for it.

Once one gets past ICE agents (of the DHS department) and examines votes of other
federal workers at other departments, most likely voted for Clinton. I recall a comment
from a news article from an employee at Dept. of Energy: "After viewing the first debate,
it was no brainer to vote for Clinton after seeing the actions from the opponent. I do
not want to think of that crazy guy in control of nuclear weapons. Too unimaginable."

So the sob-in-office (the jackass) appears over at the Pentagon to give a speech...and tv
crews covering the speech stop coverage as the jackass goes 'off the rails'

Trump is at the Pentagon reading a Stephen Miller screed of crap.

...and the appropriate reaction from the staff at the Pentagon...

Trump at Pentagon: Entire room stayed silent and did not applaud his partisan remarks

Today at Pentagon in front of top commanders Trump blamed what he called Democratic
"fringe" and "radical" left. and Speaker Pelosi for not acting on his border plans. Entire
room stayed silent and did not applaud partisan remarks.

The military staff know whose side he is on...same with some on the US Coast Guard..

From a U.S. Coast Guard Admiral..

Today you will not be receiving your regularly scheduled paycheck. To the best of my knowledge, this marks the first time in our Nation’s history that servicemembers in a U.S. Armed Force have not been paid during a lapse in appropriations.

Former W. Bush staff member that was in charge of ethics in White House, Richard
Painter has joined the club of others guessing what is happening to the sob-in-office.

Bush ethics lawyer Richard Painter: 'Substantial chance' Trump is being blackmailed by Putin

There are reports that a draft version of Mueller’s report has just been written and it concludes that Trump was used by Vladimir Putin and Russia to destabilize America.

That makes sense and is plausible. Given Trump’s behavior during the campaign, electing him president would certainly destabilize America and the country’s democracy.

Now, how much Donald Trump has actively been working with Vladimir Putin to destabilize the country is what must be discovered and made publicly known. Do not overlook that Donald Trump is an inherently unstable person. He’s never been able to have stable businesses or stable marriages. It is then wholly predictable that Donald Trump would be unable to have a stable presidency. It could be that Putin put Trump in the presidency knowing that he is just an unstable person to begin with. But it could be true that Putin has information to leverage and blackmail Trump too.

entire article at


This cartoon was good back in 2017, but now outdated and should be updated with Putin
instead of Bannon.

When the Helsinki event took place,
most in the 'Intelligence Communities' already knew what was going to happen.

The photo says it all.

The one example of those unable to understand what has happened in the USA would still be
the remaining employees (not yet laid off) at Mid-Continent Nail. The employees were interviewed several months later after the company had already laid off hundreds of employees and almost all indicated of still wanting to vote for the 'sob-in-office' no matter what. A community of mentally 'lost causes'. Too late to rescue many of them imo.

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* Dear Trump voters working in the government not getting paid now because of the shutdown SmitdoggAdministrator 01/17/19 08:17 PM
. * Re: Dear Trump voters gregf  01/17/19 11:44 PM
. * Re: Dear Trump voters URherenow  01/25/19 09:08 PM
. * Re: Dear Trump voters gregf  01/25/19 09:37 PM
. * Re: Dear Trump voters JWJr  01/25/19 09:37 PM

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