> Nightvoice, I think the PC driver that allows for most versatility is ct486. > at586, i.e. a Pentium PCI system, is not as complete IIRC. Maybe a dev can clarify.
I tried ct486 today, and I couldn't even get it to access EMS memory via emm386.exe; when using a boot disk, it straight up freezes. It was worth a try, though.
I finally got SimCity to run on at586 using the svga_s3 driver, and it's actually playable. Ran into some problems with it not "seeing" the extra ram or reading params from the .ini file, but these were solved by launching it from a command prompt and adding "-isa2 sblaster_16" and "-ram 64M" to the end.
Privateer is still slow and studderish, but at least it still runs fine on DOSBox for now.
I have officially retired from sucking at everything I do. Life is much easier now.