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Reged: 09/23/03
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Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later
12/06/16 03:47 AM

> I think that these games are not related to the other "Miss World" games from Comad,
> at least hardware-wise.
> Miss World 2002 is made by Daigom.

since they're basically all hacks that can be traced back to the gals panic codebase it's likely just the same thing as the others with a new title, new girls, and different manufacturer slapped on it.

these things were hardly what you'd consider legitimate products ;-)

some people were even trying to say they don't belong in MAME, and that these builds that try to cleanse romsets should remove all the hack-games like this too... of course, I disagree, but yeah....

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Subject Posted by Posted on
* DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later SmitdoggAdministrator 12/05/16 08:17 PM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later BrianT  12/06/16 06:05 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later CTOJAH  12/06/16 01:56 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later SmitdoggAdministrator  12/06/16 02:25 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later CTOJAH  12/06/16 02:39 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later SmitdoggAdministrator  12/06/16 03:53 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later CTOJAH  12/06/16 06:29 PM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later Ice Cream  12/06/16 06:39 PM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later SmitdoggAdministrator  12/06/16 06:31 PM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later BrianT  12/06/16 04:30 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later SmitdoggAdministrator  12/06/16 04:34 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later BrianT  12/06/16 06:50 AM
. * manual/dip page if anyone wants it or to put in a extras pack SmitdoggAdministrator  12/06/16 04:29 PM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later Ice Cream  12/06/16 02:44 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later SmitdoggAdministrator  12/06/16 02:42 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later *edit* gregf  12/05/16 10:32 PM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later CTOJAH  12/06/16 01:51 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later Haze  12/06/16 03:47 AM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later gregf  12/06/16 10:10 PM
. * Re: DU: Miss World 2002 back in the spotlight 14 years later SmitdoggAdministrator  12/06/16 03:52 AM
. * "shuzbot" gregf  12/06/16 03:41 AM

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