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Reged: 01/15/13
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Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves....
10/28/16 06:12 AM

> junk food which tastes good makes people feel happier* and we all need to feel happy.
> shove it down your throat while you still can.
> (if i have an apple and a chocolate bar in front of me.. i know which one i'm
> eating.**)
> * perhaps only for an instant.. but still.
> ** actually i'd probably eat both.. - apple first and then the chocolate bar after.
> (best until last )

Those are [candy] bars. A chocolate bar is something that's all chocolate and isn't a brand of Mars/Nestle/etc. If it isn't at least 50% it doesn't qualify. You have to think of everything as food. Chocolate is food. Candy is not food.

Second, an apple isn't good for everyone. Apples don't much for me but give me a sugar jump. I rarely eat them, and never by themself.

Junk food doesn't taste good, and doesn't make me feel happy. It tastes like shit, or has little flavor. You have two kinds of people who are terrible eaters: addicts, and Whiteys (those who have no palette - they simply can't taste very much), who interestingly aren't necessarily White. One of my homo-male friends is at least part hispanic. He can't handle a pinch of black pepper. He can't taste the difference between a gut burger and a medium-rare steak burger. Many are addicts and Whiteys.

@Tomu: fitness is everything, in this order: rest, diet, training. Conditioning is related to training.

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* The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... Traso 10/25/16 08:43 AM
. * - Robbbert  10/25/16 12:14 PM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... Tom Braider  10/25/16 01:37 PM
. * - Robbbert  10/26/16 02:01 AM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... grog  10/26/16 03:46 AM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... Traso  10/28/16 06:12 AM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... MooglyGuy  10/29/16 06:03 PM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... Traso  10/30/16 10:19 PM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... Tom Braider  10/28/16 08:19 AM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... Traso  10/30/16 10:07 PM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... SmitdoggAdministrator  10/25/16 10:06 PM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... gamez fan  10/25/16 10:42 PM
. * Re: The lack of physical fitness in the majority of the population attests to the fact that people can't take care of themselves.... Traso  10/28/16 06:01 AM

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