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Reged: 09/18/03
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Re: Is there any evidence all these clones really exist? -nt-
04/21/13 03:59 PM

The problem with adding faked regions of games is when it's unclear how they should be. The prime examples are some Taito games where you could change the region with a byte swap, and we have seen some of them (real boards) just have this byte difference but then also seen other Taito games where between regions they swapped this byte and plus made other differences, so they have to all be read out to see what they did. But when we can be reasonably sure they didn't do any other changes on other regions they can be faked. Like CPS3 carts, a lot of them could be faked, just they haven't been done yet. As far as wanting to have proof that they sold a board vs. just made the code to have the option to produce them, I really don't care either way but I'd never buy a game just to prove it existed, and I wouldn't want to keep versions out of mame that weren't sold, like some Atari clones we got from when one of their HQ closed, some of those have no proof of being sold, they may have never left the HQ but we still put them in mame. If we had Mrs. Gorf it would go in mame etc.

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* DU Update: PGM SmitdoggAdministrator 04/16/13 11:39 PM
. * Is there any evidence all these clones really exist? -nt- F1ReB4LL  04/20/13 10:54 PM
. * Re: Is there any evidence all these clones really exist? -nt- SmitdoggAdministrator  04/21/13 02:02 AM
. * Re: Is there any evidence all these clones really exist? -nt- F1ReB4LL  04/21/13 02:42 PM
. * Re: Is there any evidence all these clones really exist? -nt- SmitdoggAdministrator  04/21/13 03:59 PM
. * Re: DU Update: PGM CptGuapo  04/17/13 05:32 AM
. * Re: DU Update: PGM SmitdoggAdministrator  04/17/13 05:38 AM
. * Re: DU Update: PGM CptGuapo  04/20/13 05:48 AM
. * Re: DU Update: PGM SmitdoggAdministrator  04/20/13 05:54 AM
. * Re: DU Update: PGM Lewis King  04/17/13 12:08 AM
. * Re: DU Update: PGM SmitdoggAdministrator  04/17/13 12:31 AM
. * Re: DU Update: PGM Lewis King  04/17/13 02:35 PM

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