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Il Sindaco
Reged: 09/26/03
Posts: 155
Loc: Naples, Italy
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Re: Will it be in MESS softlist?
06/04/12 07:27 PM
> > Video sub-system is basically busted up, it needs to be redone from scratch. > > it depends: if you want sub-scanline accuracy (needed by a bunch of games), then you > are right, but I fear it would make the emulation crawl; if you can accept scanline > accuracy, then there is nothing busted, but just a few bugs to iron out (bugs which > are of course my fault, I know, but I still haven't found them) > > on the other hand, what is really busted is the code to sync the CPUs (which could > have benefit from byuu's threading library), but I think you know that very well, > given the time you spent trying to add more accurate cycle counts...
The whole system is flawed. I'm not saying that we are going to do sub-scanline accuracy (that is overkill for our framework), but the basic fact that needs individual buffers for each layer that allows effects such as mosaic to work properly.