> That equates to: "We don't know why Steel Talons behaves that way, we hope in the > future someone with experience will provide the answer, until then I will just dish > out bullshit in the hopes you will go away". > Haha, that's exactly what I was thinking. > > Steel Talons never worked properly. It looks like there is supposed to be some sort > of controller calibration that was missed for fudged when coding the driver. > Agreed. Definitely seems like something is missing. > > I used to play Steel Talons all the time in the arcades, until the operator got rid > of it. Now it drains all my patience to try and control the damn thing. > I know. It's such a cool game, but trying to control it is so frustrating that I > don't have the patience neither. > > If I was a Mamedev and had a popular game Like Steel Talons behaving erratically, I > would consider it a priority fixing it. But here is the crunch: It is too difficult > for them to fix it. You will have better luck buying a Steel Talons before these guys > resolve it. > I would consider it a priority as well. But never say never. Maybe one day, they will > fix it... And this game could finally be enjoyed.
Give this game a try when 0.145u1 is released as there was some controller work and a reset fix applied to source.