> > don't know if it's a bug or not... that's what I'm trying to find out. > > To solve this problem, we can show some initiative and actually trying to help > ourselves, rather than making 5+ new threads a week in MAME Chat with banal threads > that a cursory Google search or perhaps some thinking for yourself would have solved. > For example, in this case, we can ask ourselves, "Is there any particular likelihood > Atari would have shipped a game with random control and crash issues?" The answer is > probably, "No." > > > Demanding and combative? hmmm > > Yep, demanding and combative. The very definition of about 90% of your posts whenever > people don't tell you exactly what you were expecting or exactly what you want, > particularly in teh 'bin. For someone who claims to be a psychologist, you really > seem to know jack-all about human psychology, and I really feel for any of the > unfortunate patients you might have.
That equates to: "We don't know why Steel Talons behaves that way, we hope in the future someone with experience will provide the answer, until then I will just dish out bullshit in the hopes you will go away".
Steel Talons never worked properly. It looks like there is supposed to be some sort of controller calibration that was missed for fudged when coding the driver.
I used to play Steel Talons all the time in the arcades, until the operator got rid of it. Now it drains all my patience to try and control the damn thing.
If I was a Mamedev and had a popular game Like Steel Talons behaving erratically, I would consider it a priority fixing it. But here is the crunch: It is too difficult for them to fix it. You will have better luck buying a Steel Talons before these guys resolve it.
Here you go $600 and mintyfresh.
Edited by Bizimonki (02/12/12 10:52 PM)