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Bekki Doll
A cynical yet secular shiny retrogamer, thread ressurector and fan of the word "gay".
Reged: 01/28/12
Posts: 771
Loc: Freeport, PA
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Re: Why I don't care for American politicians...
02/27/12 04:22 PM


They then inform you that you are (in another way of saying) "unworthy" to purchase this item. You could feel condemned by that information. Or you could use it to correct where you have this shortcoming (e.g. A fool despises correction.)

People make mistakes. It happens. And some people learn from their mistakes. It's why keyboards have "Backspace" and "Delete" keys. Even I'm prone to typos and I do catch most of them. Some get through, of course. It's not deliberate. :-)


I seem to recall (I think it was you) that said how you dislike apathy. Is that correct?

I've also mentioned that bad things happen even to good people.

It's about practicality. It's not my job to run around everywhere keeping people out of trouble. And, interestingly enough, we have people paid to do that already. If I spent all my time watching other people and protecting them from themselves and others then I'd truly have no life for myself, my family and my loved ones. I can only help people within my own immediate area.

I won't guess what your job is. But, if that's your job I commend you for it. I'm not being facetious or cynical for tone gets lost within these strings of text and pixels. It's a huge universe and bad things are bound to happen. For example I have to give props to anyone who chooses to be a police officer, fire fighter, EMT, etc.

Really. Picture a dolly running around protecting the world from one another. Think of it as paranoia as slapstick tragicomedy. Or, for something more basic, think of Activision's "Kaboom!". People, young and old, die or get hurt. Thousands each day. Sometimes through their own fault or no fault of their own. I wish that wasn't the case but that's how it is. It's not your fault or my fault for that. That's life.

I'm willing to give mature adults the nod to do what they like. If they want to put their offspring in harms' way then that's on them for kids don't know and it's the parents' job to teach them and keep them out of danger. Just common sense. Adults know the risks. Kids don't.

Do you think I care about what the Jackass crew does to themselves, for example? Do you? While it is a little late for Ryan Dunn I don't think they need saving.

I have no guilt over that because that would be a waste. Read into that what you like.


Combating functional illiteracy with latex-clad drama since the '80s, because old video games rule!

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Subject Posted by Posted on
* Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard 02/26/12 09:57 PM
. * I remember when. I remember when I lost my mind Hizzout  02/28/12 05:51 PM
. * Short answer, "Because I'm an American." _nt_ aavada  02/27/12 09:31 PM
. * Christbait/Trollbait Gyrovision  02/27/12 06:50 PM
. * HE WAS CHRISTERBATING HE WAS CHRISTERBATING SmitdoggAdministrator  02/27/12 09:35 PM
. * So it has come to this... _nt_ aavada  02/28/12 03:36 AM
. * Re: We've run out of cat food? (nt) TriggerFin  02/28/12 04:59 AM
. * Ain't life grand...<nt> italieAdministrator  02/28/12 04:23 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Robbbert  02/27/12 06:41 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Qun Mang  02/28/12 07:47 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... URherenow  02/28/12 03:11 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Robbbert  02/28/12 08:51 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... BIOS-D  02/28/12 08:49 AM
. * And what of this Xenu chap I read about in Dianetics? <nT> italieAdministrator  02/28/12 08:40 AM
. * Yay! Another sheep! URherenow  02/27/12 12:15 PM
. * Never go full jebus... italieAdministrator  02/27/12 05:50 AM
. * Re: Never go full jebus... GatKongModerator  02/28/12 04:14 PM
. * Re: Never go full jebus...go full "Monty" instead... gregf  02/27/12 09:48 AM
. * LOFL Darth Mario  02/27/12 02:00 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/27/12 01:50 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... URherenow  02/27/12 01:31 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard  02/27/12 02:29 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... mesk  02/27/12 05:08 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  02/27/12 04:43 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... BIOS-D  02/27/12 05:05 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Gor  02/27/12 05:14 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/27/12 05:59 AM
. * this one is still my favorite... italieAdministrator  02/27/12 05:58 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/27/12 04:19 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard  02/27/12 05:54 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/27/12 10:07 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Qun Mang  02/28/12 07:24 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/28/12 09:30 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/28/12 11:42 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/28/12 09:43 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  02/27/12 10:18 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... italieAdministrator  02/28/12 06:31 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  02/27/12 07:58 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard  02/27/12 08:09 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Sune  02/28/12 06:54 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/28/12 08:58 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Qun Mang  02/28/12 07:11 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/28/12 08:32 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Sune  02/28/12 07:28 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Qun Mang  02/28/12 08:01 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Sune  02/28/12 10:37 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... BIOS-D  02/29/12 01:52 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/29/12 04:43 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/29/12 07:36 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/29/12 09:09 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/29/12 11:56 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  03/01/12 12:13 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... URherenow  02/29/12 06:19 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  03/01/12 04:54 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  03/01/12 05:38 AM
. * and this post is where you lose your street cred URherenow  03/01/12 01:46 PM
. * Re: and this post is where you lose your street cred Bekki Doll  03/01/12 04:49 PM
. * Re: and this post is where you lose your street cred URherenow  03/01/12 05:37 PM
. * Re: and this post is where you lose your street cred Bekki Doll  03/01/12 07:28 PM
. * Re: and this post is where you lose your street cred italieAdministrator  03/02/12 05:46 AM
. * Re: and this post is where you lose your street cred URherenow  03/02/12 06:13 AM
. * Re: and this post is where you lose your street cred URherenow  03/02/12 04:39 AM
. * Re: and this post is where you lose your street cred hmmmmmm  03/01/12 06:36 PM
. * Re: and this post is where you lose your street cred URherenow  03/02/12 04:48 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... BIOS-D  02/29/12 07:29 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  02/29/12 05:02 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  03/01/12 01:03 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Qun Mang  03/01/12 12:32 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  03/01/12 01:28 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  03/01/12 05:38 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  03/01/12 05:20 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... StilettoAdministrator  03/01/12 03:35 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... StilettoAdministrator  02/29/12 06:10 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/29/12 06:38 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... italieAdministrator  02/28/12 08:09 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  02/27/12 08:13 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Gor  02/27/12 08:18 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard  02/27/12 08:39 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Gor  02/27/12 09:41 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard  02/27/12 09:50 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... krick  02/28/12 01:39 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/28/12 04:57 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... mesk  02/28/12 08:30 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Qun Mang  02/28/12 07:01 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... krick  02/28/12 08:50 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... italieAdministrator  02/28/12 07:08 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... krick  02/28/12 05:21 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Gor  02/27/12 11:16 PM
. * I can vouch for Catholic teachings (not doings LOL) URherenow  02/28/12 03:55 AM
. * Re: I can vouch for Catholic teachings (not doings LOL) krick  02/28/12 04:40 AM
. * Re: I can vouch for Catholic teachings (not doings LOL) URherenow  02/28/12 01:44 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  02/27/12 11:37 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Robbbert  02/27/12 09:59 PM
. * #wilw *nt* StilettoAdministrator  02/28/12 07:37 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... BIOS-D  02/27/12 09:23 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard  02/27/12 09:40 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... mesk  02/28/12 08:36 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  02/28/12 09:06 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Hizzout  02/27/12 10:32 PM
. * Well DUH! Hizzout  02/27/12 08:27 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Gor  02/27/12 06:05 PM
. * Obvious toll is trolling [NT] Hizzout  02/27/12 01:43 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Pi  02/27/12 12:53 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... mesk  02/26/12 11:19 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/27/12 04:48 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... mesk  02/27/12 05:01 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... italieAdministrator  02/27/12 06:46 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Gor  02/27/12 05:16 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/26/12 11:09 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/27/12 05:54 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... URherenow  02/27/12 02:40 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/27/12 06:27 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard  02/27/12 05:59 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/27/12 06:39 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... greybeard  02/27/12 06:02 PM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Darth Mario  02/28/12 01:56 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Tomu Breidah  02/27/12 08:57 AM
. * Re: Why I don't care for American politicians... Bekki Doll  02/27/12 04:22 PM

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