R. Belmont: "that message isn't displayed to annoy you; it's to signal that you are doing something unsupported and the game is likely to malfunction in some way after that point. (In much the same way that the information screens at startup can tell you useful things about the status of the emulation if you don't disable them)."
Yeah, I understand all that. That's why its good to have a hidden version of MAME on your cabinet with all of that stuff enabled. I know you have to watch out for glitches caused by loading a save state, just another reason to make the decision to use them on a per-game basis. SF Third Strike (probably anything CPS-3) can have a lot of problems with it, but if you load from the right place you can get it under control. You just have to decide if the benefits outweigh the costs, and they often do.
R. Belmont: "We want end users to know that MAME in a cabinet is MAME; it helps discourage stupid illegal stunts like putting MAME cabinets on location with real coin doors, and it's good advertising for the project."
I know, but I'll be using it in my house where tokens will be free, and it'll be a lot more elegant in this case if the end-user doesn't have to be reminded its MAME. I already know its MAME, and if anyone is interested to know how the cabinet works I'll give plenty of advertising about how great MAME is.
R. Belmont: "Basically, your requested modifications are so exactly pitch-perfect for the various Chinese companies making crappy MAME-on-a-PCB ripoffs (48-in-1, 64-in-1, 1000-in-1, etc, etc) that we can't help you because it would also help them."
Bryan Ischo: "But those Chinese companies are going to do that regardless, so why punish people who want to use MAME legitimately by not providing help to them?"
My thoughts exactly.
R. Belmont, I totally understand where you're coming from. MAME wouldn't be such a long-lasting and successful project or be as accurate an emulator if it didn't follow its pure mission statement so strictly; BUT, this is why we have .diff files to allow some users to optimize things for their own situation without disrupting the core project. What I'm asking for isn't very different from some of the features of hiscore.diff that we've already mentioned.
Not to get too off-topic, but nice user name. Ever played Rondo of Blood?