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Native American drum guy situation new
#380778 - 01/22/19 08:00 PM

This is hilarious - it was this horrible offensive can't-believe-it story when people thought it was MAGA whites vs. native American, but once it turns out it was "only" a blacks vs. MAGA whites fight it becomes some happy heartfelt good day America feel the drumbeat it saved us story. No, it's still a terrible racist story with people screaming at each other and MAGA hats.

WTF is wrong with people.

Ramtek's Trivia promoter
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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: Smitdogg]
#380782 - 01/23/19 12:30 AM

>This is hilarious - it was this horrible offensive can't-believe-it story when people
>thought it was MAGA whites vs. native American,

Society in general was just getting the 'up close' racist moment from the various initial 3 minute video clips which didn't provide all the events and had to wait another day before getting the entire picture filled in of how the events unfolded from the beginning.

> but once it turns out it was "only" a blacks vs. MAGA whites fight it becomes some happy
>heartfelt good day America feel the drumbeat it saved us story.

Fortunately one of the Black Hebrew Israelites had video recorded their table/stand zone protest event and the video captures everything.

1 hour 46 minute video of before and after incident....[VIDEO]


What makes the video partly amusing is these 5 loony crazy knuckleheads were yelling/criticizing at the Native Americans as well thinking they were hispanic at first before the Native Americans began their own specific protest at the Lincoln Memorial.

iirc one of the Israelites told off on one of the (NA demonstrators) of shame of eating a piece of pork and the man's reply was: "I am eating chicken, not pork" Hah. That was funny in itself.

One has to skip to about 60 minutes of the video before it shows the Black Israelites start yelling towards the "boyz school punks" and confrontations begin there. And then within another 10 minutes or so, Nathan Phillips leads some of the tribal members to try and get between the 'red hat dweebs' versus the crazy Black Hebrew Israelites in hopes to minimize chance of violence breaking out. The 'red hat dweebs' were there in DC to be a participant in the Right to Life protests over the weekend.

If there were any chaperones or priests/teachers there that were escorting the punks, they should be in immediate trouble for not rounding up the 'red hat dweebs' in the first place. With the fact that the federal furlough/shutdown also affects some security personnel in the mall area, there were no staff to intervene as there should have been. Someone on the forum explained that security would have confronted the 'red hat dweebs' and pushed them away within minutes before any trouble could begin [another fine example of GOP intentional destruction of the country when government is shut down]

The absurd thing is the parent(s) of one of the 'red hat dweebs' that stood in front and blocked path of Nathan Phillips while Phillips was chanting and drumming claim their 'dweeb son' is a snowflake innocent and not his fault he couldn't move out of the way. Screw that excuse. Kid should have been decked with a fist by one of the other Native Americans in that marching group.

I agree with one one of the posts on the forum in which even though the Black Hebrew Israelites espouse crazy and racist nonsense, they are nuisance while the 'red hat dweebs' pose a bigger issue because they are part of the cult followers of the 'sob in office' and would try to impose their beliefs as US laws to overwhelm the majority of US citizens that are of different faiths, different lifestyle, different race/ethnicities. Those 'punks' are possible future brownshirt Nazis....or say....future Supreme Court 'Drunky Kavs' 's

>No, it's still a terrible racist story with people screaming at each other and MAGA hats.

The boyz school is freaking racist school. They say it is supposed to be Catholic, but they certainly don't seem to follow Catholic teachings imo. It should be called a "Confederate School" imo some of the past tweets from the staff [now removed] are bigoted, prejudiced opinions towards citizens not like them.

The Cincinnati Catholic Archdiocese should just pull the credentials from the school or replace entire school staff.

One past fine example from a few years earlier just to show the school should be labeled an f'n US greycoat confederate school that confederate officer Nathaniel Bedford Forrest would approve of.

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: gregf]
#380834 - 01/24/19 10:07 AM

Dunno what you saw in the past that formed your opinion of this school, but you clearly didn't pay attention to all of the videos available on this subject. The most hate and racist shit is from those "Israelite" guys. I heard threats, I heard prayers for everyone to be sent straight to hell (and no, it wasn't even a metaphor or euphemism). The kid you seem to enjoy calling a dweeb, and calling for someone to punch him in the face... he didn't step in that dude's path. The dude marched up to him, and the kid didn't move.

And by the way, this isn't that Indian dude's first rodeo with trying to shove himself into a situation and claiming the victim card. He's also commented in past videos how he was called a baby killer when he returned from Vietnam... lol... that lying fuck never spent a single day in Vienam. He was an electrician. He fixed refrigerators in Nebraska with the reserves. Then he went to El Toro, where he spent time in the brig on 3 separate occasions for going AWOL (known today as UA). This brig time allowed him to be discharged after 4 years at the exulted rank of PRIVATE. Fucking douche bag.

EDIT: And another by the way... that school crowd only showed up there because their after-rally (or whatever you want to call the anti-abortion thing) tours of the sites and monuments were finished, and they were at the predetermined spot to catch their bus to go back home. Any reactions they had were the result of teenagers being mocked and harassed. I'm actually impressed that physical altercations didn't take place. Those fucking "Israelites" certainly wanted some...

Just broke my personal record for number of consecutive days without dying!

Ramtek's Trivia promoter
Reged: 09/21/03
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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: URherenow]
#380839 - 01/24/19 04:06 PM

>And by the way, this isn't that Indian dude's first rodeo with trying to shove himself
>into a situation and claiming the victim card. He's also commented in past videos how he
>was called a baby killer when he returned from Vietnam... lol... that lying fuck never
>spent a single day in Vietnam. He was an electrician. He fixed refrigerators in Nebraska
>with the reserves. Then he went to El Toro, where he spent time in the brig on 3 separate
>occasions for going AWOL (known today as UA).

If Nathan Phillips did described his service this way : "..has referred to himself as a “Vietnam-times” veteran.", it is word-wise correct, but since reporters these days tend not to check accuracy or have assignment editors look over their field reporting before news is released, then slip ups occur. I believe he didn't outright lie, but either the reporters got their facts wrong to begin with (didn't follow through on accuracy of his service) and also Lakota People’s Law Project group made a mistake on their part.

As for details of service, that is another matter, and same for the 'supposed' hippie encounter which may be an exaggeration. The parts that can be verified are: "he didn't outright lie and claimed of serving in Vietnam" and his service record can be verified which these days the media don't 'verify everything first' before rushing out the news story.

A group representing Nathan Phillips wrongly said he served in Vietnam

Daniel Paul Nelson, a leader in the Lakota People’s Law Project, said in an interview that his group made the error and that Phillips never told the group he served in Vietnam. The group, Nelson said, “trusted what we had seen” in previous stories about Phillips, some of which also referred to him erroneously as a Vietnam veteran.

“We were trying to do the advocacy work that we do,” Nelson said.

In reality, Phillips served from June 1972 to May 1976 in the Marine Corps Reserve, a service spokeswoman, Yvonne Carlock, said Wednesday. He did not deploy, and he left the service as a private after disciplinary issues. From October 1972 to February 1973, he was classified as an antitank missileman, a kind of infantryman, Carlock said. He then became a refrigerator technician for the majority of his service.

"..has referred to himself as a “Vietnam-times” veteran."


I'll say right wing media is doing another smear campaign just like what they did with John Kerry back in 2004 elections. The part that is pathetic some right winger personality hosts have claimed to be in war action which was never the case. One example was Bill O Reilly claimed to have been in war and he was exposed by Al Franken.

>what you saw in the past that formed your opinion of this school, but you clearly didn't
>pay attention to all of the videos available on this subject. The most hate and racist
>shit is from those "Israelite" guys. I heard threats, I heard prayers for everyone to be
>sent straight to hell (and no, it wasn't even a metaphor or euphemism).

The 'Black Hebrew Israelites' (I am guessing more known on east coast, never heard of them before) were spouting their crazy, insane racist stuff and most folks from what I have read ignore them and walk by since the Black Israelites usually yell nonsense stuff since they are allowed to have free speech just like other crazy racists groups. Even the Native Americans there practicing their first Amendment rights knew just to basically ignore them once they heard all the nonsense these knuckleheads were spouting off.

>The kid you seem to enjoy calling a dweeb,

Actually almost all of them that were wearing the stupid hats and clothing now that almost everyone these days knows the fraud (cadet Bone spurs) in the WH is a fake himself and is very likely a lackey to Putin.

>and calling for someone to punch him in the face... he didn't
>step in that dude's path. The dude marched up to him, and the kid didn't move.

It was a gutsy and questionable move imo, but the Native American group needed a few football size linemen in front of them to clear the path. But if anything such as no ongoing shutdown, then more security and park rangers would be there preventing the events from getting out of control. And the chaperones of that particular school did not do their jobs as they were assigned to (if possible) keep the kids away at a distance until their transportation arrived.

I am not familiar with arrangement of security there at the mall area, but reading other accounts by those more familiar with DC area had commented that if no shutdown (furlough), then there would be enough security personnel there that would have stepped in and prevent ed the incidents from getting out of hand.

>And another by the way... that school crowd only showed up there because their
>after-rally (or whatever you want to call the anti-abortion thing) tours of the sites and
>monuments were finished, and they were at the predetermined spot to catch their bus to go
>back home. Any reactions they had were the result of teenagers being mocked and harassed.
>I'm actually impressed that physical altercations didn't take place.

The chaperones of that particular boys school did not do their jobs of moving the boys along and away from the area like what is usually done with other high schools. The Cincinnati region archdiocese needs to do a thorough review with that high school and make changes with the school's current staff.

Reged: 09/21/03
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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: gregf]
#380859 - 01/25/19 08:56 PM

> If Nathan Phillips did described his service this way : "..has referred to himself
> as a “Vietnam-times” veteran.", it is word-wise correct,

The dude has been doing it for years. Here is him (jump to about 23 minutes in) stating that he was IN THEATER and section 8...

> As for details of service, that is another matter, and same for the 'supposed'
> hippie encounter which may be an exaggeration. The parts that can be verified are:
> "he didn't outright lie and claimed of serving in Vietnam"

Yes he did. Many times. The link above was just the first one I found.

>and his service record can
> be verified which these days the media don't

But THIS guy does. Day in and day out. Does a mighty fine job of it too.

> “We were trying to do the advocacy work that we do,” Nelson said.
> In reality, Phillips served from June 1972 to May 1976 in the Marine Corps Reserve,
> a service spokeswoman, Yvonne Carlock, said Wednesday. He did not deploy, and he left
> the service as a private after disciplinary issues. From October 1972 to February
> 1973, he was classified as an antitank missileman, a kind of infantryman, Carlock
> said. He then became a refrigerator technician for the majority of his service.

Dunno where this "antitank missleman" bit comes from, but Don Shipley shows the actual FOIA records, and nothing like that is in there. He did spend an entire 2 days assigned as a rifleman though (as does every single Marine with no job).

> Actually almost all of them that were wearing the stupid hats and clothing now that
> almost everyone these days knows the fraud (cadet Bone spurs) in the WH is a fake
> himself and is very likely a lackey to Putin.

A Lackey to Putin. I thought you were a pretty smart guy, and here you are singing the same old bullshit that the dumbest of the left sing every single day, because they don't have any real facts. Trump is at least smart enough to show a bit of diplomacy, so he took Putin at his word about some shit. Ok. He's also the only President since the cold war to fucking KILL RUSSIANS (Syria... look it up. Yes, he's the Commander in Chief and has EVERYTHING to do with what happened). He's kicked Russian Diplomats out of the country. How about this stuff?

Putin's Lackey? You're seriously losing my respect. No president in decades has given Russia a bigger "FUCK YOU" than Trump. Trump has had hundreds of businesses and many of them in real-estate. Yup, he sure did want to build a tower in Moscow. Nope, He didn't build it (Russia didn't want one if his damn towers).

So what evidence do you see that's actually real and verifiable? Please do post it here, and send it to Mueller too, so this multi-million dollar waste of time can be ended. Yes, even if true, it's a waste of time and money seeing as how we already "KNOW" it's true but are... what?... milking the money cow as long as possible and allowing the big bad orange man to continue ruining the country just so we can impeach him after his term is up?

> It was a gutsy and questionable move imo, but the Native American group needed a few
> football size linemen in front of them to clear the path.

What the fuck are you on about? They didn't need a path. They didn't need to purposefully push their way through a crowd of teenagers waiting for their bus.

> The chaperones of that particular boys school did not do their jobs of moving the
> boys along and away from the area

So.. the Indians who didn't need to be there, and certainly didn't need to barge their way into a crowd of children were in the right, and chaperones should have moved the kids away from the place they were supposed to be waiting for their bus to go home? GTFOH.

Just broke my personal record for number of consecutive days without dying!

Ramtek's Trivia promoter
Reged: 09/21/03
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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: URherenow]
#380864 - 01/25/19 10:54 PM

>>days knows the fraud (cadet Bone spurs) in the WH is a fake
>> himself and is very likely a lackey to Putin.

>A Lackey to Putin. I thought you were a pretty smart guy, and here you are singing the same
>old bullshit that the dumbest of the left sing every single day, because they don't have
>any real facts.

The photo from the Helsinki 2018 meeting is pretty damning itself and that is more than just 'low stamina'. That photo was when both entered the press room before the media to give their press briefings.

What the photo somewhat tell is Putin had the upper hand in the private room discussions between (Putin, Putin's translator, and the 'low stamina' himself). From news reports at the time, a few from the US IC communities had felt any leader needs multiple eyewitnesses when doing negotiations. iirc former Sec of State Rex Tillerson had also questioned the arrangement and felt a US translator should have also been there with discussions. Why would a leader of a country set himself up by being only representative in the room without another US eyewitness in the same room? I will say it seems suspicious.

Some of the former leaders of Intelligence Community agencies have also questioned moves such as (John Brennan, James Clapper, a couple others, but forget names at this time), and add to that others such as Malcom Nance and Clint Watt although Clint isn't as direct compared to what Malcom has stated. And add likes of former staff members from W.' administration.

Former W. Bush staff member that was in charge of ethics in White House, Richard
Painter has joined the club of others guessing what is happening to the sob-in-office.

Bush ethics lawyer Richard Painter: 'Substantial chance' Trump is being blackmailed by Putin

There are reports that a draft version of Mueller’s report has just been written and it concludes that Trump was used by Vladimir Putin and Russia to destabilize America.

That makes sense and is plausible. Given Trump’s behavior during the campaign, electing him president would certainly destabilize America and the country’s democracy.

Now, how much Donald Trump has actively been working with Vladimir Putin to destabilize the country is what must be discovered and made publicly known. Do not overlook that Donald Trump is an inherently unstable person. He’s never been able to have stable businesses or stable marriages. It is then wholly predictable that Donald Trump would be unable to have a stable presidency. It could be that Putin put Trump in the presidency knowing that he is just an unstable person to begin with. But it could be true that Putin has information to leverage and blackmail Trump too.

entire article at


> He's kicked Russian Diplomats out of the country. How about this stuff?

That was during Obama's last few weeks in office in December 2016 as Commander-in-Chief before leaving. Obama and administration did that while taking the Russian offices in Maryland and New York. iirc those properties were handed back to Russia and some of the diplomats returned when leadership had transitioned.

>Trump is at least smart enough to show a bit of diplomacy, so he took Putin
>at his word about some shit. Ok.

He does not know how to negotiate or work with other world leaders. He only knows how to act like he still runs his questionable real estate properties. He folds his arms when upset and throws a temper tantrum when having to go to world meetings such as previous G-20 summits.

> He's also the only President since the cold war to fucking
>KILL RUSSIANS (Syria... look it up. Yes, he's the Commander in Chief and has EVERYTHING
>to do with what happened).

He let former Gen. Mattis make the decision to have US Troops move into Syria, a mistake imo, because the US Troops were sitting targets inside Syria even though they were there to go after Islamic state. The troops should have stayed outside in Iraq or elsewhere while getting airstrike directions from the Kurds (only consistent reliable ally in there compared to the questionable FSA (Free Syrian Army)

iirc the Syrian stationed US forces had to fight it out with several hundred Russian mercenaries near some oil refineries. These Russian mercenaries were hired by some mercenary outfit that was run by one of Putin's oligarch henchmen (Putin's personal chef). That would have been in March or April 2017. Fortunately Mattis was in charge because had 'President bonespurs' been controlling things, he probably would have had the US forces surrender to the Russian mercenaries.

US forces were fortunate to have only had to fight Russian mercenaries forces. It would have gotten far worse had the attack also been carried out with regular Russian military included.

>No president in decades has given Russia a bigger "FUCK YOU" than Trump. Trump has had
>hundreds of businesses and many of them in real-estate.

He has also gone bankrupt many multiple times that US based financial institutions weren't going to loan him anymore. He has had to go outside for loans and some likely include Russian mafia associates that had money to loan.

The NY attorney general has already closed down his charity organization and had any remaining funds distributed to legitimate NY charities. Once the NY state tax revenue services start going through records, this is where evidence will likely be apparent of how the real estate transactions were handled and if transactions were fronts for money laundering purposes.

The former FBI administration (James Comey) and agents such as Strozek and McCabe were previously involved in going after US based Russian mafia associates. Coincidental that all three including a few others have been fired over past couple years? I'd say suspicious.

>and send it to Mueller too, so this multi-million dollar waste of time can be ended.

Mueller and Special Council staff along with the various US Intelligence communities will have this when they are ready at their own pace. What they are having to go through is a more complex crime than Nixon's Watergate of the 1970s.

>> It was a gutsy and questionable move imo, but the Native American group needed a few
>> football size linemen in front of them to clear the path.

>What the fuck are you on about? They didn't need a path. They didn't need to purposefully
>push their way through a crowd of teenagers waiting for their bus. So.. the Indians who
>didn't need to be there, and certainly didn't need to barge their way into a crowd of
>children were in the right, and chaperones should have moved the kids away from the place
>they were supposed to be waiting for their bus to go home?

What Nathan and group did was questionable to begin with, but had no shutdown taken place the park service personnel would have likely been around the area and immediately intervened. Going by the BHI guy's video, I only saw steps and the memorial in the background (never been there myself and will have to look it up). If the particular high school boys were having to wait, the chaperones should have moved them along to another area. If that means moving the boys five football fields away, then do so.

The blame is the high school boys chaperones not doing their job that they were supposed to. The other stuff would not have happened. The BHI guys likely had a park permit to do their crazy talk and expletives since it is First Amendment issue. So they are not at fault unless they said something stupid like "threatening to kill the boys", then it becomes a legal matter.

As for Nathan and members involved, a questionable move imo and it likely would not have gone that far if there were no federal government shutdown.

btw: if the Cincinnati archdiocese let things go unpunished especially against the chaperones and maybe other staff that let boys their stuff, then archdiocese is at fault as well for not keeping boys safe.

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: gregf]
#380870 - 01/26/19 03:05 AM

Why would a leader of a country set himself up by being only
> representative in the room without another US eyewitness in the same room? I will say
> it seems suspicious.

Suspicious only because everyone already thinks he’s guilty of being a puppet. Tell me, before Obama’s second term, what did you think of the conversation he had in an interview with a Russian diplomat after he ASSUMED that the microphones and cameras were off? What exactly did he mean by “I’ll have more flexibility after the election”?


> > He's kicked Russian Diplomats out of the country. How about this stuff?
> That was during Obama's last few weeks in office in December 2016 as
> Commander-in-Chief before leaving. Obama and administration did that while taking the
> Russian offices in Maryland and New York. iirc those properties were handed back to
> Russia and some of the diplomats returned when leadership had transitioned.

Did you even read what I posted? That was last year, dude. Try again.


> He does not know how to negotiate or work with other world leaders.

He forced a trade negotiation on Mexico that gave Canada no choice but to follow suit. I even called it before Canada joined in... and of course a bunch of leftist twats called me an idiot. Look who’s laughing now? Bunch of idiots

> > He's also the only President since the cold war to fucking
> > KILL RUSSIANS (Syria... look it up. Yes, he's the Commander in Chief and has
> > to do with what happened).
> He let former Gen. Mattis make the decision to have US Troops move into Syria, a
> mistake imo, because the US Troops were sitting targets inside Syria even though they
> were there to go after Islamic state. The troops should have stayed outside in Iraq
> or elsewhere while getting airstrike directions from the Kurds (only consistent
> reliable ally in there compared to the questionable FSA (Free Syrian Army)
> iirc the Syrian stationed US forces had to fight it out with several hundred Russian
> mercenaries near some oil refineries. These Russian mercenaries were hired by some
> mercenary outfit that was run by one of Putin's oligarch henchmen (Putin's personal
> chef). That would have been in March or April 2017. Fortunately Mattis was in charge
> because had 'President bonespurs' been controlling things, he probably would have had
> the US forces surrender to the Russian mercenaries.

Keep telling yourself that. Trump is CIC, and you can continue to call him President bone spurs, and remain willfully ignorant about the fact that it’s not hard to be medically disqualified from service. You need to, because that’s the only example you could ever come up with to accuse Trump of being a pussy. He’s got a fucking backbone. He doesn’t apologize and bow down to other leaders like the last guy...

Probably would have surrendered? Wait, doesn’t that kind of negate some of your other leftist arguments and quotes about having someone like him in charge of our nuclear arsenal? 🙄

> He has also gone bankrupt many multiple times

Out of hundreds. And how many of those companies were already failing when he bought them? Yea, that’s right... he didn’t create all of those companies that went bankrupt. Same argument the left uses to try and say that he’s a failed businessman. And an idiot and a 3rd rate con man. To which I reply: “The man is a billionaire and the POTUS. 3rd rate? Idiot? What does that make you then, exactly?”

I won’t try to argue the business practices of people he may have tried to secure loans from. I wouldn’t blame him or anyone else for not knowing that a loan is from someone who might indirectly have ties with shady people. Then again, I don’t go to bed at night praying that any sort of evidence can tie the POTUS to Russia. And I do mean ANY tie... look at the prosecutions so far... bunch of tax and funding fuckups having nothing to do with Russian collusion. There’s more direct evidence against Hillary and the Clinton Foundation than Trump.

Just broke my personal record for number of consecutive days without dying!

Reged: 09/15/04
Posts: 383
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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: URherenow]
#380871 - 01/26/19 06:31 AM

> What exactly did he mean by “I’ll have more flexibility after the election”?

Seems fairly obvious that any politician thinking of doing something potentially unpopular would realize that it'll be easier to do as a lame duck, no longer facing election.

> He forced a trade negotiation on Mexico that gave Canada no choice but to follow
> suit. I even called it before Canada joined in... and of course a bunch of leftist
> twats called me an idiot. Look who’s laughing now? Bunch of idiots

_Everyone_ is laughing now, because his shiny new NAFTA USMCA means nothing without Congressional approval. Think Nancy's gonna give him that?

> > He has also gone bankrupt many multiple times
> Out of hundreds. And how many of those companies were already failing when he bought
> them?

Name any other human being that managed to bankrupt three casinos, during a decade when other casinos next door grew and thrived. You've gotta be some special kind of idiot to not make money when you're The House.

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: JWJr]
#380872 - 01/26/19 08:29 AM

> You've gotta be some special kind of
> idiot to not make money when you're The House.

Again, trying to make him out to be an idiot. 4 bankruptcies out of how many companies? Tell me another human being who has made as many SUCCESSFUL companies as him. And again look at the fact that he's still a billionaire and still the POTUS. If an idiot can do that, I'll gladly be an idiot, thanks. I think that people who call him an idiot are too stupid to understand what "idiot" means, or can't articulate their feelings (which range from "I don't like him because of xxx", all the way down to "Orange man bad"). Either way, someone describing him with the word "idiot"... is actually an idiot.

EDIT: Well, shit. This post sounds almost like a Trump Tweet because so many disctionaries state so many definitions of the word. Some actually do apply (in specific situations... but not as a whole). Hopefully, you get the point though. Stupid, Retarded, and any other word you can think of is also thrown at the man, and in the wrong context. That's my point.

Just broke my personal record for number of consecutive days without dying!

Reged: 09/15/04
Posts: 383
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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: URherenow]
#380878 - 01/26/19 05:00 PM

> > You've gotta be some special kind of
> > idiot to not make money when you're The House.
> Again, trying to make him out to be an idiot. 4 bankruptcies out of how many
> companies? Tell me another human being who has made as many SUCCESSFUL companies as
> him. And again look at the fact that he's still a billionaire and still the POTUS.

I'm at a loss to define his "SUCCESSFUL companies". Trump Airlines? Trump Mortgage? Trump University? All of his "successes", it seems to me, are just of matter of him attaching his name to someone else's work product, and even that (see "Trump: The Game" or "Donald Trump: The Fragrance") doesn't usually work the way he intends.

It's well known that if he'd just taken Papa Trump's money and put it in S&P futures and spent his days at home masturbating, he'd have far more money than he claims to have now. And you have only his word that he's a billionaire, and we all know now what that's worth.

Ramtek's Trivia promoter
Reged: 09/21/03
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Kentucky bishop apologizes for reaction to viral encounter new [Re: Smitdogg]
#380881 - 01/26/19 09:50 PM

So....the high school administration apologizes to those that 'still enjoy their predjudice views' (ie: parents that pay the 4 figure tuition fees) such as the 'smirking kid' 's mother as an example.

This part with "said the diocese would initiate a third-party investigation of the incident" better put blame on those adult supervisors or chaperones of not doing their part and make needed adjustments so the crap that took place doesn't happen again.

The 'snowflake' boys should have been shephered away from the area (shutdown or no shutdown) because the BHI crazies did already have their 'free speech' permit already in place and were entitled to be there whether we agree or not with their crazy views. Other racists groups (KKK or Neo Nazi, or White Nationalists) have had permits in the past there, so should BHI group.

Adults, including the Native Americans there protesting learned to move on when they noticed the BHI members 'aren't playing with a full deck'.

It's too bad the boy's chaperones chose not to act adult and move the boys out of the area long enough for transportation buses to arrive. It was the chaperones/supervisors fault for not doing their job. Simple as that.

Kentucky bishop apologizes for reaction to viral encounter

A northern Kentucky bishop has apologized for his diocese's reaction to a videotaped encounter last week at the Lincoln Memorial between a group of high school students and Native American marchers.

An initial joint statement from the Diocese of Covington and Covington Catholic High School on Saturday had condemned the students for their actions. A statement released Tuesday said the diocese would initiate a third-party investigation of the incident.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports the Most Rev. Roger Foys released a statement Friday apologizing to Covington families and to anyone offended by either statement. Foys says the diocese was "bullied" and reacted "prematurely."

entired article at:


What is too bad is Lexington’s Bishop John Stowe should be the high school principal and put things in order there.


Lexington’s Bishop John Stowe said Covington Catholic students can’t be “pro-life” while supporting a president who “denigrates” immigrants and refugees.

“It astonishes me that any students participating in a pro-life activity on behalf of their school and their Catholic faith could be wearing apparel sporting the slogans of a president who denigrates the lives of immigrants, refugees and people from countries that he describes with indecent words and haphazardly endangers with life-threatening policies,” Stowe wrote in an op-ed for the Lexington Herald-Leader on Wednesday.

He said he is “ashamed” that the students’ actions have contradicted the goals of the March for Life, the massive annual anti-abortion rally the teens were in D.C. to attend.

entire article at:


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Re: Native American drum guy situation [Re: URherenow]
#380882 - 01/27/19 01:18 AM

>>Why would a leader of a country set himself up by being only
>> representative in the room without another US eyewitness in the same room? I will say
>> it seems suspicious.

>Suspicious only because everyone already thinks he’s guilty of being a puppet.

They (Intelligence Communities), former US Generals, past GOP administration cabinet members that were either on HW's staff or W.'s staff. It is suspect because even 'Mad Dog' Mattis had differing views and questioned of why having to remove US troops early since there are still Islamic state fighters in northern regions of Syria. I believe those in the Pentagon that may question the various spontaneous executive decisions have a hunch that the various IC US agencies will eventually provide the evidence.

> Tell me,
>before Obama’s second term, what did you think of the conversation he had in an interview
>with a Russian diplomat after he ASSUMED that the microphones and cameras were off? What
>exactly did he mean by “I’ll have more flexibility after the election”?

Will search that later.

>>> He's kicked Russian Diplomats out of the country. How about this stuff?
>> That was during Obama's last few weeks in office in December 2016 as
>> Commander-in-Chief before leaving. Obama and administration did that while taking the
>> Russian offices in Maryland and New York. iirc those properties were handed back to
>> Russia and some of the diplomats returned when leadership had transitioned.

>Did you even read what I posted? That was last year, dude. Try again.

> He's kicked Russian Diplomats out of the country. How about this stuff?

"Washington came out swinging against Moscow when it announced new sanctions
Friday against two dozen Russian nationals and 14 Russian entities."

So the article reads that way, but looking back to early 2018, here is/are initial thoughts from administration. This was in January 2018 even though there was enough leeway that things could change it was what it was.

White House to Congress: Russia sanctions not needed now

Moving onward a couple weeks later...Mueller and Special Council office have enough evidence to file indictment charges against various Russians and businesses in Russia


What's particularly significant in the Mueller filing, though, are six words: “and had such ties in 2016.” Prosecutors have said previously that a longtime Manafort and Gates associate had ties to Russian intelligence, but they have never said those ties remained during the 2016 campaign. In December, they said this associate was “a longtime Russian colleague . . . who is currently based in Russia and assessed to have ties to a Russian intelligence service.” Why those six words were added in this filing when they didn't appear in a previous filing is the $64,000 question.

The other new piece here is that they say Gates described Person A (again, apparently Kilimnik) as “a former Russian Intelligence Officer with GRU.” (GRU is Russia's military intelligence organization.) So according to van der Zwaan, Gates talked openly about Person A's ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik told The Post in June that he has “no relation to the Russian or any other intelligence service.” Mueller is now apparently directly disputing that using Gates's own words...
-- now things are in mid March...he is still trying to avoid the 2016 issue, but willing to issue sanctions on human rights abuse and what took place in eastern Ukraine territory which is still ongoing, but that is another topic itself and this is because the legislative branch did its job and forced him to take some form of action.


In keeping with his reluctance to blame Moscow for meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign, Mr. Trump did not mention the sanctions or election interference. The president has repeatedly dismissed the suggestion that Russia sought to influence the vote in his favor as a “hoax” and “fake news,” even as a special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has concluded otherwise and is investigating whether Mr. Trump’s campaign collaborated with Russian agents.

Before leaving office, President Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats, seized a pair of diplomatic properties and imposed sanctions in response to the election interference. But while Mr. Trump’s administration has issued sanctions against some Russians for human rights abuses or for the country’s intervention in Ukraine, the measures announced on Thursday represented the first time he took action on the meddling, and only after Congress passed legislation to force his hand.

Going back to article from Business Insider

> He's kicked Russian Diplomats out of the country. How about this stuff?

"Washington came out swinging against Moscow when it announced new sanctions
Friday against two dozen Russian nationals and 14 Russian entities."

Notice another differing view with adjective 'Limited' regarding sanctions against Russia. If there were Russians in US that were forced to leave in 2018, it would likely be any that were indicted by Mueller's charges. I don't recall the names nor numbers, but Obama's was much more apparent when that took place in December 2016.


Trump Finally Rolls Out Some (Limited) Russia Sanctions;pgtype=article

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration plans to impose new sanctions against Russia on Monday to punish it for enabling the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons in its civil war, the latest in a series of actions by both sides underscoring the deterioration in relations between Moscow and the West.

The sanctions, coming shortly after American-led airstrikes against facilities linked to Syria’s chemical weapons, are meant to signal that the United States holds responsible not just the government of President Bashar al-Assad but also his patrons in Russia and Iran. President Trump has vowed that Syria’s allies will pay a “big price” for facilitating the suspected use of poison gas.

Former US Ambassador to the UN announces new sanctions against Russia while administration changes course without her knowing. Why is that? Nikki would not be saying something of sanctions unless she was instructed to mention sanctions days earlier and then changes took place behind Nikki's back before Nikki's announcement. Either there was a miscommunication. Or maybe someone (Putin) had gotten to someone over the unsecured iphone (used for tweets) and instructed someone to change course and maybe someone forgot to inform Nikki?


Sanctions Flap Erupts Into Open Conflict Between Haley and White House

April 17, 2018

WASHINGTON — President Trump was watching television on Sunday when he saw Nikki R. Haley, his ambassador to the United Nations, announce that he would impose fresh sanctions on Russia. The president grew angry, according to an official informed about the moment. As far as he was concerned, he had decided no such thing.

According to several officials, the White House did not inform Ms. Haley that it had changed course on sanctions, leaving her to hang out alone.

>>He does not know how to negotiate or work with other world leaders.

>He forced a trade negotiation on Mexico that gave Canada no choice but to follow suit. I
>even called it before Canada joined in.

The revised Nafta agreement is probably the only time that the former president of Mexico was willing to agree to. The new president of Mexico would likely stay with older version of Nafta. Justin Tredeau (Canada) was willing to agree to revision knowing that his country was joining the larger trade agreement that includes somewhere between 20 to 30 countries in the (Transatlantic Pacific Participation treaty ..TPP)

The original document version was drafted by company lawyers representing several Fortune 500 US corporations that had nasty clauses that would have hurt the common populations in general. Since the US administration dropped out of TPP trade agreement, Canada (and Trudeau) took over and removed a lot of the crooked special interest clauses that were drafted by US corporate lawyers to make TPP look like a reasonable treaty.

Chalk it up to the 'broken clock' provides correct time two times in a 24 hour span.

Aside from that, Kim Jong Um played him last year. Later at the 2018 G- 20 summit in Canada, he folded his arms and pouted in front of Macron, Merkel, and other European leaders like a toddler and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, based on her experience with her own children and grandchildren knows that.

>> > He's also the only President since the cold war to fucking
>> > KILL RUSSIANS (Syria... look it up. Yes, he's the Commander in Chief and has
>>> EVERYTHING to do with what happened).

>> He let former Gen. Mattis make the decision to have US Troops move into Syria, a
>> mistake imo, because the US Troops were sitting targets inside Syria even though they
>> were there to go after Islamic state. The troops should have stayed outside in Iraq
>> or elsewhere while getting airstrike directions from the Kurds (only consistent
>> reliable ally in there compared to the questionable FSA (Free Syrian Army)
>> iirc the Syrian stationed US forces had to fight it out with several hundred Russian
>> mercenaries near some oil refineries. These Russian mercenaries were hired by some
>> mercenary outfit that was run by one of Putin's oligarch henchmen (Putin's personal
>> chef). That would have been in March or April 2017. Fortunately Mattis was in charge
>> because had 'President bonespurs' been controlling things, he probably would have had
>> the US forces surrender to the Russian mercenaries.

>Keep telling yourself that. Trump is CIC,

I'd question that when he once proclaimed being smarter or maybe it was the smartest General. Patton, Eisenhower, MacArthur and going back to legendary Smedley Butler would have a laugh or two while recent generals shake their heads. David Patreaus and others wouldn't want to. Mattis had to work for him and Mattis eventually concluded it was time to leave after the recent Syrian decision.

Flynn (Lock Her Up) is probably only one wanting to work for administration. The entertaining part was when Flynn had conducted a meeting in either December 2016 or maybe it was January 2017 about "how to kidnap" the Turkish individual (legally residing in PA) and send him back to Erdogan (Turkey) to be prosecuted, former CIA director James Woolsey was invited and when Woolsey saw what was discussed at the meeting, Woolsey wanted no part of that and quickly departed the meeting knowing that those involved in following that kidnapping plan could be prosecuted later by US DOJ at a later time.

As for the Syrian based US forces battle against the Russian mercenaries, Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin is the Russian individual involved that brought in his mercenaries to have assault against US forces that were guarding one of the few oil refineries in Syria. Wagner is the name of the company that hired the Russian fighters.

U.S. judge bars evidence-sharing with 'Putin's chef' in Mueller probe of RU election interference

Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin (part-owner of Concord) V. Putin,

...Prigozhin has a stake in Concord Catering, runs the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, and has a stake in Wagner, a shady mercenary group that attacked US forces in February

> you can continue to call him President bone spurs, and remain willfully ignorant about
> the fact that it’s not hard to be medically disqualified from service. You need to,
> because that’s the only example you could ever come up with to accuse Trump of being a
> pussy. He’s got a fucking backbone. He doesn’t apologize and bow down to other leaders
>like the last guy...

But it is easier when one has parents with lots of cash to help make it easier to get deferments or passes. Other examples include Cheney, and Ted (intentionally held his bowels and crapped his pants) Nuggent And as for Bill Clinton, he did get mocked for being a draft dodger himself since he didn't agree with Vietnam war, but many others did same too.

At least John McCain was willing to be involved, but he had to follow his father's footsteps of continuing to serve like other families that had famous military backgrounds.
And I also applaud John Kerry and his service and his protest as well.

John Kerry would have made a fine president, but he did make a fine Sec of State leader after Hillary had decided to leave.

>He’s (Trump) got a fucking backbone.

He can't handle firing someone directly. Numerous examples in the past with former FBI director James Comey being one of those back in May 2017. I expect to see James willing to testify again in front of Adam Schiff's congressional committee later this year and answer questions.

>Probably would have surrendered?

Us citizens might not get full details of what happened in Syria unless it gets an investigation later. The US commanders on the Syrian ground get credit for being able to hold off against Russian mercenaries.

Suppose if 'Individual 1' was aware of what was going on in real time and decided to intervene at that very moment. I wouldn't and I am glad that when it did happen, I suspect the military establishment intentionally left him in the dark until the fighting had concluded. Hopefully these specific details will be released in the future.

>Wait, doesn’t that kind of negate some of your other
>leftist arguments and quotes about having someone like him in charge of our nuclear

I suspect he (more likely son-in-law "super Jared") did the dirty work of already handing over lots of the classified papers by this time to help cover the past loans over the years.

As for being charge of nuclear weapons, the football device should be hidden away somewhere in the WH where he can't find it. Maybe outside in the WH backyard toolshed since he doesn't like gardening...other than playing golf in the garden. He wouldn't look in toolshed.

>And I do mean ANY tie... look at the prosecutions so far... bunch of tax and funding
>fuckups having nothing to do with Russian collusion.

That's on the NY state level charges since previous acting NY attorney general (Barbara Underwood) began investigation last year. A new NY attorney general is following Underwood's actions and continuing the work.

>There’s more direct evidence against
>Hillary and the Clinton Foundation than Trump.

Well...the Trump charity foundation was used as a personal piggy bank (to buy a portrait that no one wanted and maybe Tebow's helmet or football jersey...don't recall) and why it no longer exists. As for Clinton's foundation, I believe there was an investigation or two, but will search for that later.

Vas Crabb
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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: JWJr]
#380887 - 01/27/19 03:59 AM

> I'm at a loss to define his "SUCCESSFUL companies". Trump Airlines? Trump Mortgage?
> Trump University? All of his "successes", it seems to me, are just of matter of him
> attaching his name to someone else's work product, and even that (see "Trump: The
> Game" or "Donald Trump: The Fragrance") doesn't usually work the way he intends.
> It's well known that if he'd just taken Papa Trump's money and put it in S&P futures
> and spent his days at home masturbating, he'd have far more money than he claims to
> have now. And you have only his word that he's a billionaire, and we all know now
> what that's worth.

Yeah, that's the thing. He was born into a lot of money, and just throws it at the wall until something sticks. He's been largely unsuccessful outside of real estate. Most people don't have the luxury of being handed enough money on a silver platter to use that strategy. It's a pretty bad indictment on him that he would've done a hell of a lot better by putting the money in low-fee index funds.

He's not Elon Musk who got damn lucky with PayPal being exactly the right product at the right time. He's not Warren Buffet who made a fortune with rational level-headed investments rather than chasing fads. He's not Richard Branson who built a string of successful businesses through hard work and persistence. He's not John C. Bogle who had the insight to charge low fees for funds that provide relatively stable returns. He's not Ray Kroc who built and aggressive franchising model and leveraged that to require franchisees to rent real estate off his other company. He's not Rupert Murdoch who brutally did whatever it took to build a global media empire.

There aren't any cases where Trump's shown himself to be a shrewd businessman. The one thing he's good at is self-promotion.

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: JWJr]
#380889 - 01/27/19 09:22 AM

Of course, you’re at a loss. Nobody is inclined to find facts or “good” when it comes to Trump. All negative, all the time, doesn’t matter if there is no proof or even if there is proof that it’s a blatant lie.

A 5 second Google search turned up the fact that he owns approximately 500 companies, and approximately 250 use his name. And an article that estimates his net worth at something around $3.5 BILLION. This is in October of last year. At a time when no matter how much (or little) you think he really has, the whole fucking country is well aware of the FACT that he doesn’t even accept his paycheck as POTUS. He donates all of it back, except for $1 that he has to take because of some stupid section of the constitution. Sorry, but poor people simply don’t do that. Dude down in South America comes close, and chooses to be poor, but that’s a rare exception and he still takes a whole lot more than $1.

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: URherenow]
#380893 - 01/27/19 03:43 PM

> A 5 second Google search turned up the fact that he owns approximately 500 companies,
> and approximately 250 use his name.

According to your link, he has "full or partial ownership of approximately 500 companies". I just checked my portfolio, and I have "partial ownership" of approximately 100 companies.

> And an article that estimates his net worth at
> something around $3.5 BILLION. This is in October of last year.

I'm not seeing that number. Forbes (in October) had him at $3.1B, Bloomberg at $2.8B. Importantly, these are all just SWAGs, as he keeps both his income and his liabilities secret.

> the whole fucking country is
> well aware of the FACT that he doesn’t even accept his paycheck as POTUS. He donates
> all of it back, except for $1 that he has to take because of some stupid section of
> the constitution.

I'm not sure where your "stupid section of the constitution" information came from, but it's wrong. He has indeed so far donated the takehome of each of his $100K quarterly checks (reported to be $78,333) to a number of governmental agencies to support pet projects; I'd suggest that $313K in donations from someone who claims to be a billionaire pales in comparison to the known philanthropy of other billionaires. It also pales in comparison to the taxpayer funds he's funneled into Mar-A-Lago and his other properties.

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: JWJr]
#380894 - 01/27/19 04:17 PM

> I'm not sure where your "stupid section of the constitution" information came from,
> but it's wrong.

Article II. Wherever "shall" is used, there is no way around it. That's why he gets a check, then donates it. He can't simply refuse his check. Just another of his many promises that he's doing everything in his power to keep. I already gather that you're in the crowd that simply doesn't give a shit about that though...

"The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, "

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: URherenow]
#380895 - 01/27/19 04:43 PM

> > I'm not sure where your "stupid section of the constitution" information came from,
> > but it's wrong.
> Article II. Wherever "shall" is used, there is no way around it. That's why he gets a
> check, then donates it. He can't simply refuse his check.

Not arguing any of that, was I? This is the part you got wrong:

> He donates all of it back, except for $1 that he has to take because of some stupid
> section of the constitution.

There's nothing about "$1" in Article II, is there?

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: JWJr]
#380901 - 01/27/19 10:58 PM

It says he shall recieve compensation. He was advised to do so by somebody a lot more literate in law/constitution than you, so he does it.

Just broke my personal record for number of consecutive days without dying!

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: URherenow]
#380905 - 01/28/19 06:26 AM

> It says he shall recieve compensation. He was advised to do so by somebody a lot more
> literate in law/constitution than you, so he does it.

Only person I can see that "advised" him "to do so" was himself:


President-elect Donald Trump says he will only accept a $1 salary as president. In an interview with 60 Minutes on Sunday night, Trump said he had no idea what kind of money presidents make but that he wasn’t interested anyway. “I think I have to by law take $1, so I’ll take $1 a year. But it’s a—I don’t even know what it is. Do you know what the salary is?” he asked host Lesley Stahl. Upon being informed that the salary is $400,000, Trump responded, “No, I’m not going to take the salary. I’m not taking it.”

Just another of his promises derived wholly from his ignorance of the situation.

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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: JWJr]
#380907 - 01/28/19 08:43 AM

Just broke my personal record for number of consecutive days without dying!

Tomu Breidah
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Re: Native American drum guy situation new [Re: Smitdogg]
#380932 - 01/31/19 01:06 PM

I forget, does this forum software have a 'merge' function?

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