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Got No Where Else to Go
Reged: 10/01/03
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For Hizzout
#250293 - 03/30/11 07:52 PM

SOrry it took me so long to get back to you. I only have limited
access to the internet.

anyway here is the study....

there are others....

also now to answer the questions you asked me....

>>Why didn't prayer stop the extermination of millions of Jewish people? I guarantee you they were all praying for God to intervene.

I assume your talking about WWII, that is explained in the bible. God explains
that due to their disbelief in Christ that they would suffer for it. That by
denying him (God) that basically there would be a time he would deny them.

>>Why hasn't prayer ended poverty, or starvation, or the exploitation and slavery of >>children across the world?

>>Does God only help in hospitals, and kids who didn't study for their math test?

This again is answered in the Bible, The first book Genesis. God gave domionin of the
earth to man. The earth belongs to man to put what ever powers he see's fit in charge
so to speak, be it greed, power, envy, war, etc. If you rent a home from me I have no
right nor power to come into that home and tell you how to live your life. I may see
the choices your making are hurting or harming you and I may plead with you but it's
your choice, your right to decide the path of your own life. God makes it clear he
will not visit were he is not wanted. Christ told the entire flock "if you go into a
man's house in my name and he will not listen then leave and to even wipe the dust of that house hold of your shoes"

Listen I can't explain why God does one thing and not another, but I do know that
there are many and Im sure you can say yes to this too, that have been in a situation
and reached out and prayed and made promises then when that prayer was answered suddenly
sometimes days even just hours later those people make excuses why it happened, seen
it happen many many times. Be honest if you were God and someone prays to you asking for
help and you reach out and answer that prayer only to have them make excuses or even
deny your help would you be so willing to step in and help again? heck we can see that
every day in the way people treat people. Friends asking for help after not seeing them
for months or even yrs and then after helping mysteriously the dissappear again....

Does prayer work? yes it does, I have 2 miracles in healing in my life, 1 my ex father
in law, blew he heart out and od'd on meth. flat lined 4 times to hospital, once on the
operating table and again on his way to his room. Life support system and no brain activity
doctors said he was dead, my ex wife and I went to see him, she sat and talked to him for
20 minutes and nothing. she prayed for him before we left and I watched his heartbeat go
up 4 beats a minute and breathing up 3, we walked out and I told her not to give up.
doctors met us and asked to turn off machines we said no. Family got mad. we did this
for two weeks, and each time she prayed his vitals went up. anyway after two weeks we
told the family and doc's what was happening, they laughed, family went behind our backs
and got an injuction to have my exwife removed as his guardian and the machines turned off.

this was to happen on thursday morning at 8 am, at 6 am that moring he woke up with no
side effects, no problems, and no compications, funny thing is no one said a word to us
about prayers, about miracles etc. only "huh he is lucky".

2 one was my own son, by age 3 he had spent as much time in the hospital as out, his
lungs were failing and he would have breathing fits. after 3 yrs, numerous drugs,
treatments, shots, etc. I had enough, I took him home with the doctors threatning to have
me charged with child endangerment and abuse. Once home I laid him in the floor and me
and my ex prayed over him for over 30 minutes. He has never had another breathing problem
since that night, not even a cold and he is 10 now. Doctors said he would never be able
to run and play, play any sport etc his entire life... He now plays in a tackle football
league consisting of 7 different towns and has since 2nd grade, he is well known for
his abilities and is well known in the region as "dynamite" smallest kid in his class
but one of the toughest to hit the feild in his league. 194 yrds rushing in just one game,
wining all conference player last yr, not to bad for a kid doctors had given up on...

Why were these prayers answered ? because I beleived and I EXPECTED. and I knew there
was no where else for me to go to help either but God...

Only here to annoy...

70's baby, early 80's child
Reged: 02/05/04
Posts: 4841
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Re: For Hizzout new [Re: Renegade]
#250298 - 03/30/11 08:20 PM

Quick question, did you happen to watch the video I posted in the original topic? I'm curious as to yours, (and others) thoughts on it. Specifically about the praying to an object, instead of God.

To basically break it down, whatever the result of your prayer can be credited to God. For example:

- Ask for something and get it = God answered your prayer
- Ask for something, and get it much later = God answered your prayer, you just had to wait or practice more faith, humble yourself, etc...
- Ask for something, not get it or didn't go your way = God works in mysterious ways, and knows what's best for you.


Why were these prayers answered ? because I beleived and I EXPECTED. and I knew there
was no where else for me to go to help either but God...

I'm sorry you and yours suffered through those ordeals but I have to ask, what if the outcome would have been different? What if your father would have died? I don't want to speak for you but I can only assume the answer would have been something along the lines of "God chose for him to return" or "We have to trust God knows what he's doing".

You see what I'm saying? With either outcome, your prayer would have been answered and God is credited for either outcome...or stated more eloquently in the video I provided,

"The likeliness of a prayer request coming true, seemed to be directly proportional to the likeliness of it happening without prayer"

What do you think the outcome would have been if you had just relied on prayer, instead of taking your father and son to the hospital?

My father had a brain aneurysm a few years ago that should have killed him by all accounts. Fortunately he was flown to a hospital that specializes in strokes and aneurysms and they tried a relatively new procedure to stop the bleeding. Had he had that aneurysm even 3 years prior I'm pretty sure the outcome would have been much different. He's fully recovered today and you can't even tell it ever happened to him. I've personally thanked each doctor and nurse that saved his life and give them all of the credit they deserve.

Now, having said all of that I'm not against anyone praying, because to me prayer is more or less meditation. A time for you to seek and search for answers within yourself for whatever it is that's concerning you. Every person could benefit for even 15 minutes a day of quiet, self meditation, reflection, or thought.

Tomu Breidah
No Problems, Only Solutions
Reged: 08/14/04
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Re: For Hizzout new [Re: Hizzout]
#250333 - 03/31/11 06:38 AM

> Quick question, did you happen to watch the video I posted in the original topic? I'm
> curious as to yours, (and others) thoughts on it. Specifically about the praying to
> an object, instead of God.
> To basically break it down, whatever the result of your prayer can be credited to
> God. For example:
> - Ask for something and get it = God answered your prayer
> - Ask for something, and get it much later = God answered your prayer, you just had
> to wait or practice more faith, humble yourself, etc...
> - Ask for something, not get it or didn't go your way = God works in mysterious ways,
> and knows what's best for you.

I seen that where they replaced God with a 1/2 gallon of milk. Then allegedly getting the same results regardless of which one or thing they prayed to.

Why didn't they just include any study or research that shows, say, Buddhists or Hindus, etc. (any religion that involves a physical object for worship for their faith) as having the same type of outcomes to prayers that they give? I will admit that I don't know if any of these religions would have prayers in the same nature as a Christian would pray (then again that could be up to the individual doing the praying). Like for the healing/recovery of a loved one, or perhaps something more selfish - to win the lottery.

The outcome... What would it depend on? How much Faith the person-praying has, or how fervently and humbly they prayed? Or was it God's will? Or to put it in the scenario where a milk jug is prayed to... Was it the will of the milk jug if that prayer was answered or not?

Whatever the outcome had been... What if nobody had prayed for a situation to change? Then we could say that it was God's will anyway. That is if we're including the concept of God. Anything Nothing else would be considered fate. I say 'nothing' because you either have God or nothing.

I'm not talking about a force or spirit or SOMETHING that created all things, something that is holy, omnipotent, loving, and a righteous judge... As if there were anything else to choose from. God would be the ONLY One of all the things I listed.

"God was a creation of Man." Can that really be said? What if a person came upon something they didn't know the origin of (be it an object or themselves -wondering where we all came from). They may study it and see how intricate and purposeful it is, then ponder how something so wondrous came to be. If they can't understand how it came to be they have to presume that something with greater resources or knowledge was responsible for it's creation (or it was just luck/fate). So, in the mind of this person they 'create' this supposed person that is so much higher in capability than them. But did they really create this person? Or did they discover this person?

I guess when you get down to it, the idea of God could be called a 'cop-out', a simple, easy answer to the most perplexing question. An animal... let's take an Ant for example, it might see something that we humans have made... Would it ponder that objects creation and purpose? Would it be aware that there is something more higher than it? Skeptical ants would say it was just the creation of the imagination of the Ant that realized the truth. We as humans can say it's the truth because we know. Is the Ant that made the discovery, or came to the realization that there is something higher than him foolish? Then why is it foolish to believe that there is Anything greater than us? Is that an 'Easy Answer'? Or the Only answer?

I suppose I've been dodging the question at hand. They'd all have to point towards God's Will.

My prayer was answered right away? It was God's Will.
I had to wait for the answer? It was God's Will.
I didn't get what I prayed for? It was God's Will.

Another question can be asked here. [Something happened] Was it Fate or God's Will?

(I'm having trouble putting words to this though) You have outcome, but for there to be an "outcome" - that is to say there needs to be a request first for an outcome to be reached or expected. But what about things that aren't requests (e.g. 'Prayed for')?... Things that just happen? Then no results are expected. So we can say that we were lucky (or unlucky) OR that God blessed in this area... Or He didn't...

I hope you can see where I'm trying to go with that.

It seems to me that the question is trying to get people to think that prayer is pointless because it wouldn't matter who or to-what you prayed to. Because whatever will happen -will happen. And there can't be any hard physical evidence that God was involved or not. Even if it seems like a miracle. ...Or (right back at those that doubt) can it? (God's intervention can't be dis-proven either).

Then is it a question of Faith? Can I have faith in a milk jug and still make it through life? Well, making it through life is okay. What about making it through death? I can't put my Faith in something (like there is a choice of things to put my faith in), and I can't put my faith in nothing (because that would be the only other choice). There is only ONE I can put my Faith in... Or I have no Faith at all.

I guess only a believer can understand.

1 + 1 = 1. All things are 1, all things are connected. That's not logical (to us). Neither is God, nor is Faith. Maybe God is everything and Nothing at the same time.

What is the basis for Faith? What makes Faith? " is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I'd say it's a personal relationship with that which we cannot understand, that which is Love, that which is Just, that which is Holy and unfathomably higher and greater than we are. That is why we're to pray to God and God alone.

Milk jug can't save me.


70's baby, early 80's child
Reged: 02/05/04
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Re: For Hizzout new [Re: Tomu Breidah]
#250336 - 03/31/11 06:47 AM

So you're relying on God's will....I guess is what I'll take from that.

So what are your thoughts related to the video I posted that explains if God already knows what you're going to decide, because he's omniscient, do you really have free will? If you deny God at some point in your life then God already knew, as with Judas.

Reged: 08/07/06
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Re: For Hizzout new [Re: Tomu Breidah]
#250340 - 03/31/11 07:42 AM

> I guess when you get down to it, the idea of God could be called a 'cop-out', a
> simple, easy answer to the most perplexing question. An animal... let's take an Ant
> for example, it might see something that we humans have made... Would it ponder that
> objects creation and purpose? Would it be aware that there is something more higher
> than it? Skeptical ants would say it was just the creation of the imagination of the
> Ant that realized the truth. We as humans can say it's the truth because we know. Is
> the Ant that made the discovery, or came to the realization that there is something
> higher than him foolish? Then why is it foolish to believe that there is Anything
> greater than us? Is that an 'Easy Answer'? Or the Only answer?

Problem with we as humans, is we are selfish enough to believe everything centers around us and we are more important than anything other in the rest of universe. In an agnostic point of view, if there's a god and still lives, there's a higher chance he's busy in everything else but ourselves only. God gave us the power to live by our own and don't be bothering him with prayers an ant's voice can't reach a human's ear. Even if our prayers would reach, there's so many requests we should be just bothering for so little when we can as well solve it by ourselves. For that fact and in my opinion, praying is the best manner to thank god in a bad taste.

Now, all that is assuming there's an omnipotent living god watching for us. What about if there's not, it doesn't exist anymore or it's simply busy everywhere else?... we're on our own of course. There would be nothing called God's will then, it would just be causes and consequences. In both cases, it's all free will (limited to our own universe and lifetime).

Religious expect a pray can solve its problems and those who reach the answers by their own are blamed for everything which doesn't work to "God's will". I'd hate to be that doctor, surgeon or nurse who attempted to save someone's life, because even when they used tools a God gave them, they receive all the blame for what those who expect a miracle ignore.

Tomu Breidah
No Problems, Only Solutions
Reged: 08/14/04
Posts: 6821
Loc: Neither here, nor there.
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Re: For Hizzout new [Re: Hizzout]
#250342 - 03/31/11 08:36 AM

> So you're relying on God's will....I guess is what I'll take from that.
> So what are your thoughts related to the video I posted that explains if God already
> knows what you're going to decide, because he's omniscient, do you really have free
> will? If you deny God at some point in your life then God already knew, as with
> Judas.

To say God knows what will happen or what is to be (by his omniscience)... If God is eternal then this life for US -from God's perspective- it would be like a video that is being played out. He knows the ending from the beginning. So let's look at all things from an eternal point of view (like a Big Picture). There is no before, after, or later. Things just are.

I can't see how God, being omniscient, would negate my ability to have free will.

Is the purpose of that question to say that whatever happens in my life isn't by my will, but of God's will? Yet God knows the ending from the beginning. Yet God GIVES us the free will to make decisions.

Is omniscience knowing what absolutely is, or is it knowing all that is possible?

I'd have to say that WE, being in this state of reality - where we are subject to the constraints of time and distance... We presently have choices to make (we're able to exercise free will). Outside of those constraints, where we presume God to be, He can see everything at every moment as it is to Him.

For God it is finished. For us, all things still have yet to happen (or for however long time will last). God knowing if I'll conscientiously do something right or wrong doesn't mean I have no control over it don't have the ability to do whichever. It's still my decision.... at least, from my perspective.

I have to ask, what is 'WILL'? Given the question I'd say (that for us) it is the ability to make a decision... But we don't have control over all things in this life. I might want, or Will that I could get a pay raise at work without asking for it. But I also have the Will (the ability) to ask. Still doesn't mean I'll get it. I would not will (or want) to get in a car accident. That still doesn't mean it won't happen (it's not impossible).

"Do I have Free Will?"... Anyone can say they do. Your Will is up to and possessed by you (individually) for as far as you have power/control over something.

I'm starting to see that having a Free Will is not really good for anything (in this world)... Other than Faith. I have to place those things in God's hands, and ask that His Will be done.

Anyway. The matter is; What God already knows means that that is the way we will act, or how we'll choose anyway, and that we've never had a decision in the first place.. It was only inevitable that we chose the way we did.

So if I were to choose to turn my back on God... That would be my free will. But does anyone think that that would be the Will of God?

I say No, of course it wouldn't be. So, what was it that God's omniscience had to do with our Free Will again?


Allergic to life
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Religious and political chat should be moved to the Test board (nt) new [Re: Renegade]
#250346 - 03/31/11 10:04 AM

> SOrry it took me so long to get back to you. I only have limited
> access to the internet.
> anyway here is the study....
> there are others....
> also now to answer the questions you asked me....
> >>Why didn't prayer stop the extermination of millions of Jewish people? I guarantee
> you they were all praying for God to intervene.
> I assume your talking about WWII, that is explained in the bible. God explains
> that due to their disbelief in Christ that they would suffer for it. That by
> denying him (God) that basically there would be a time he would deny them.
> >>Why hasn't prayer ended poverty, or starvation, or the exploitation and slavery of
> >>children across the world?
> >>Does God only help in hospitals, and kids who didn't study for their math test?
> This again is answered in the Bible, The first book Genesis. God gave domionin of
> the
> earth to man. The earth belongs to man to put what ever powers he see's fit in charge
> so to speak, be it greed, power, envy, war, etc. If you rent a home from me I have no
> right nor power to come into that home and tell you how to live your life. I may see
> the choices your making are hurting or harming you and I may plead with you but it's
> your choice, your right to decide the path of your own life. God makes it clear he
> will not visit were he is not wanted. Christ told the entire flock "if you go into a
> man's house in my name and he will not listen then leave and to even wipe the dust of
> that house hold of your shoes"
> Listen I can't explain why God does one thing and not another, but I do know that
> there are many and Im sure you can say yes to this too, that have been in a situation
> and reached out and prayed and made promises then when that prayer was answered
> suddenly
> sometimes days even just hours later those people make excuses why it happened, seen
> it happen many many times. Be honest if you were God and someone prays to you asking
> for
> help and you reach out and answer that prayer only to have them make excuses or even
> deny your help would you be so willing to step in and help again? heck we can see
> that
> every day in the way people treat people. Friends asking for help after not seeing
> them
> for months or even yrs and then after helping mysteriously the dissappear again....
> Does prayer work? yes it does, I have 2 miracles in healing in my life, 1 my ex
> father
> in law, blew he heart out and od'd on meth. flat lined 4 times to hospital, once on
> the
> operating table and again on his way to his room. Life support system and no brain
> activity
> doctors said he was dead, my ex wife and I went to see him, she sat and talked to him
> for
> 20 minutes and nothing. she prayed for him before we left and I watched his heartbeat
> go
> up 4 beats a minute and breathing up 3, we walked out and I told her not to give up.
> doctors met us and asked to turn off machines we said no. Family got mad. we did this
> for two weeks, and each time she prayed his vitals went up. anyway after two weeks we
> told the family and doc's what was happening, they laughed, family went behind our
> backs
> and got an injuction to have my exwife removed as his guardian and the machines
> turned off.
> this was to happen on thursday morning at 8 am, at 6 am that moring he woke up with
> no
> side effects, no problems, and no compications, funny thing is no one said a word to
> us
> about prayers, about miracles etc. only "huh he is lucky".
> 2 one was my own son, by age 3 he had spent as much time in the hospital as out, his
> lungs were failing and he would have breathing fits. after 3 yrs, numerous drugs,
> treatments, shots, etc. I had enough, I took him home with the doctors threatning to
> have
> me charged with child endangerment and abuse. Once home I laid him in the floor and
> me
> and my ex prayed over him for over 30 minutes. He has never had another breathing
> problem
> since that night, not even a cold and he is 10 now. Doctors said he would never be
> able
> to run and play, play any sport etc his entire life... He now plays in a tackle
> football
> league consisting of 7 different towns and has since 2nd grade, he is well known for
> his abilities and is well known in the region as "dynamite" smallest kid in his class
> but one of the toughest to hit the feild in his league. 194 yrds rushing in just one
> game,
> wining all conference player last yr, not to bad for a kid doctors had given up on...
> Why were these prayers answered ? because I beleived and I EXPECTED. and I knew
> there
> was no where else for me to go to help either but God...

Wound up, can't sleep, can't do anything right, little honey / Oh, since I set my eyes on you. / I tell you the truth.
I can't get it right / Get it right / Since I met you...

Got No Where Else to Go
Reged: 10/01/03
Posts: 516
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Re: For Hizzout new [Re: Hizzout]
#250374 - 03/31/11 07:37 PM

> Quick question, did you happen to watch the video I posted in the original topic? I'm
> curious as to yours, (and others) thoughts on it. Specifically about the praying to
> an object, instead of God.

No not yet, like i said I have limited access but I will when I have the chance.
I wanted to answer you first :-)

I'm sorry you and yours suffered through those ordeals but I have to ask, what if the
> outcome would have been different? What if your father would have died? I don't want
> to speak for you but I can only assume the answer would have been something along the
> lines of "God chose for him to return" or "We have to trust God knows what he's
> doing".

No my answer to the death of my father in law would have been one of sadness and
understanding that God had nothing to do with it. He made the choice to put the
needles in his arm, he chose to put the stuff up his nose. Those decisions had
nothing to do with God. Infact thru God's mercy he lived to change that life style.

> What do you think the outcome would have been if you had just relied on prayer,
> instead of taking your father and son to the hospital?

My son I can't answer. My father in law death.

> My father had a brain aneurysm a few years ago that should have killed him by all
> accounts. Fortunately he was flown to a hospital that specializes in strokes and
> aneurysms and they tried a relatively new procedure to stop the bleeding. Had he had
> that aneurysm even 3 years prior I'm pretty sure the outcome would have been much
> different. He's fully recovered today and you can't even tell it ever happened to
> him. I've personally thanked each doctor and nurse that saved his life and give them
> all of the credit they deserve.

And there is the major point of my story, the doctors had already given up, he was
being administered no drugs, no theorpy, nothing but a saline solution thru an I.V.
not even any type of pain killer. He laid there for 2 weeks with nothing more but a
machine keeping him alive and a waiting room full of family and doctors stating that
he was dead, brain dead, nothing but a corpse with a machine attached.. again nothing
medically was being done, nor could be done.

My son was the same as far as doctors, they said basically live with the fact that
he had failing lungs, would never run or play sports. and we took him to many doctors
and specialists including those at K.U. medical center in kansas city.

Again if I had listened to science, doctors and medical community my father in law
would have been unplugged and dead within 24 hrs of his admitiance to the hospital.
my son would still rely upon drugs and breathing machines while watching his friends
play. But thru belief and prayer my son now plays sports and my father in law lived
another 10 yrs in order to turn his life around and live that last 10 productively.

I also agree about objects, I don't prayer or rely upon objects or men in or for
prayers I rely upon the God of the bible.

interesting note look up the Azura street revival, also search smith wigglesworth
both have very interesting histories and both well documented. instant healings,
raisning the dead etc etc.... again all well documented. Smith's story is extrodianary.

Listen I agree with most. there are alot of religious people on tv, radio etc. that
are there for the money, that again is why I turn to the bible and not man, I think
most have lost site of that. we have become a society that looks for a god to make us
feel better, that's ok with our life style choices, that comforms to us and our veiws
and there are people out there ready to step up and present to them a god that
does just that and profits from it at the same time. My advice ? read the bible not
some preachers book, I am not against all preachers just those that twist, pervert,
and pick and chose which verses of the bible to follow or forget.

Only here to annoy...

Got No Where Else to Go
Reged: 10/01/03
Posts: 516
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Re: For Hizzout new [Re: Tomu Breidah]
#250376 - 03/31/11 07:53 PM

> Why didn't they just include any study or research that shows, say, Buddhists or
> Hindus, etc. (any religion that involves a physical object for worship for their
> faith) as having the same type of outcomes to prayers that they give? I will admit
> that I don't know if any of these religions would have prayers in the same nature as
> a Christian would pray (then again that could be up to the individual doing the
> praying). Like for the healing/recovery of a loved one, or perhaps something more
> selfish - to win the lottery.

They did that in a study in 2006 and found no evidence of any change in any of the
patients. that study used different religions and the guidlines of those religions
prayer styles was oobsereved by each sect.
> My prayer was answered right away? It was God's Will.
> I had to wait for the answer? It was God's Will.
> I didn't get what I prayed for? It was God's Will.

See that depends, the bible is very clear on prayers, what prayers will be answered
which one's won't and also who's prayers are heard and who's arent.

> Another question can be asked here. [Something happened] Was it Fate or God's Will?
> (I'm having trouble putting words to this though) You have outcome, but for there to
> be an "outcome" - that is to say there needs to be a request first for an outcome to
> be reached or expected. But what about things that aren't requests (e.g. 'Prayed
> for')?... Things that just happen? Then no results are expected. So we can say that
> we were lucky (or unlucky) OR that God blessed in this area... Or He didn't...
> I hope you can see where I'm trying to go with that.

again answered thru many stories of the bible. ester is a perfect example of this.
GOd has a will and his will, will come to be where the varible appairs is in who he
uses to carry out that will. You have a home and want to add a window, that is your
will, so you call a carpenter and he refuses to do it, so you call another and
another until you find one who will complete the task that you want done. Now it's
done and your will have been fulfilled, you are so happy that you give this carpenter
a bonus (blessing to God) now if the other carpenters had been willing to fulfill your
will that bonus would have been theirs but they lost our. now back to ester GOd told
her to go to the king and tell him whatever, she refused God replied fine, I will bring
another to take your place and she will become Queen and you will die with those you
refuese to help. again God's will was done but the people used to fulfill it God was
willing change. Hope this make's sense to you.

Only here to annoy...

Reformed Sk3n3 Quitter
Reged: 09/21/03
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Thar kind of censorship is an offence to my God-given basic human rights! -nt- new [Re: Pi]
#250383 - 03/31/11 09:25 PM

> > SOrry it took me so long to get back to you. I only have limited
> > access to the internet.
> >
> > anyway here is the study....
> >
> >
> >
> > there are others....
> >
> >
> > also now to answer the questions you asked me....
> >
> > >>Why didn't prayer stop the extermination of millions of Jewish people? I
> guarantee
> > you they were all praying for God to intervene.
> >
> > I assume your talking about WWII, that is explained in the bible. God explains
> > that due to their disbelief in Christ that they would suffer for it. That by
> > denying him (God) that basically there would be a time he would deny them.
> >
> > >>Why hasn't prayer ended poverty, or starvation, or the exploitation and slavery
> of
> > >>children across the world?
> >
> > >>Does God only help in hospitals, and kids who didn't study for their math test?
> >
> > This again is answered in the Bible, The first book Genesis. God gave domionin of
> > the
> > earth to man. The earth belongs to man to put what ever powers he see's fit in
> charge
> > so to speak, be it greed, power, envy, war, etc. If you rent a home from me I have
> no
> >
> > right nor power to come into that home and tell you how to live your life. I may
> see
> > the choices your making are hurting or harming you and I may plead with you but
> it's
> > your choice, your right to decide the path of your own life. God makes it clear he
> > will not visit were he is not wanted. Christ told the entire flock "if you go into
> a
> > man's house in my name and he will not listen then leave and to even wipe the dust
> of
> > that house hold of your shoes"
> >
> > Listen I can't explain why God does one thing and not another, but I do know that
> > there are many and Im sure you can say yes to this too, that have been in a
> situation
> > and reached out and prayed and made promises then when that prayer was answered
> > suddenly
> > sometimes days even just hours later those people make excuses why it happened,
> seen
> > it happen many many times. Be honest if you were God and someone prays to you
> asking
> > for
> > help and you reach out and answer that prayer only to have them make excuses or
> even
> > deny your help would you be so willing to step in and help again? heck we can see
> > that
> > every day in the way people treat people. Friends asking for help after not seeing
> > them
> > for months or even yrs and then after helping mysteriously the dissappear again....
> >
> > Does prayer work? yes it does, I have 2 miracles in healing in my life, 1 my ex
> > father
> > in law, blew he heart out and od'd on meth. flat lined 4 times to hospital, once on
> > the
> > operating table and again on his way to his room. Life support system and no brain
> > activity
> > doctors said he was dead, my ex wife and I went to see him, she sat and talked to
> him
> > for
> > 20 minutes and nothing. she prayed for him before we left and I watched his
> heartbeat
> > go
> > up 4 beats a minute and breathing up 3, we walked out and I told her not to give
> up.
> > doctors met us and asked to turn off machines we said no. Family got mad. we did
> this
> > for two weeks, and each time she prayed his vitals went up. anyway after two weeks
> we
> > told the family and doc's what was happening, they laughed, family went behind our
> > backs
> > and got an injuction to have my exwife removed as his guardian and the machines
> > turned off.
> >
> > this was to happen on thursday morning at 8 am, at 6 am that moring he woke up with
> > no
> > side effects, no problems, and no compications, funny thing is no one said a word
> to
> > us
> > about prayers, about miracles etc. only "huh he is lucky".
> >
> > 2 one was my own son, by age 3 he had spent as much time in the hospital as out,
> his
> >
> > lungs were failing and he would have breathing fits. after 3 yrs, numerous drugs,
> > treatments, shots, etc. I had enough, I took him home with the doctors threatning
> to
> > have
> > me charged with child endangerment and abuse. Once home I laid him in the floor and
> > me
> > and my ex prayed over him for over 30 minutes. He has never had another breathing
> > problem
> > since that night, not even a cold and he is 10 now. Doctors said he would never be
> > able
> > to run and play, play any sport etc his entire life... He now plays in a tackle
> > football
> > league consisting of 7 different towns and has since 2nd grade, he is well known
> for
> > his abilities and is well known in the region as "dynamite" smallest kid in his
> class
> > but one of the toughest to hit the feild in his league. 194 yrds rushing in just
> one
> > game,
> > wining all conference player last yr, not to bad for a kid doctors had given up
> on...
> >
> > Why were these prayers answered ? because I beleived and I EXPECTED. and I knew
> > there
> > was no where else for me to go to help either but God...

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