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For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty...
#234130 - 09/21/10 02:56 PM


The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (The "DREAM Act") is a piece of proposed federal legislation in the United States that was introduced in the United States Senate, and the United States House of Representatives on March 26, 2009. This bill would provide certain undocumented immigrant students who graduate from US high schools, who are of good moral character, arrived in the U.S. as minors, and have been in the country continuously for at least five years prior to the bill's enactment, the opportunity to earn conditional permanent residency. The alien students would obtain temporary residency for a six year period. Within the six year period, a qualified student must have "acquired a degree from an institution of higher education in the United States or [have] completed at least 2 years, in good standing, in a program for a bachelor's degree or higher degree in the United States," or have "served in the uniformed services for at least 2 years and, if discharged, [have] received an honorable discharge."[1] "Any alien whose permanent resident status is terminated [according to the terms of the Act] shall return to the immigration status the alien had immediately prior to receiving conditional permanent resident status under this Act." [2]

So, now, does anybody REALLY think this is a good idea?!?!?!?!?!?

Furry guy
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: PokeMAME]
#234131 - 09/21/10 03:07 PM

> The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (The "DREAM Act") is a
> piece of proposed federal legislation in the United States that was introduced in the
> United States Senate, and the United States House of Representatives on March 26,
> 2009. This bill would provide certain undocumented immigrant students who graduate
> from US high schools, who are of good moral character, arrived in the U.S. as minors,
> and have been in the country continuously for at least five years prior to the bill's
> enactment, the opportunity to earn conditional permanent residency. The alien
> students would obtain temporary residency for a six year period. Within the six year
> period, a qualified student must have "acquired a degree from an institution of
> higher education in the United States or [have] completed at least 2 years, in good
> standing, in a program for a bachelor's degree or higher degree in the United
> States," or have "served in the uniformed services for at least 2 years and, if
> discharged, [have] received an honorable discharge."[1] "Any alien whose permanent
> resident status is terminated [according to the terms of the Act] shall return to the
> immigration status the alien had immediately prior to receiving conditional permanent
> resident status under this Act." [2]
> So, now, does anybody REALLY think this is a good idea?!?!?!?!?!?

We already HAD a thread for this

Gotta catch 'em all!
Reged: 09/20/03
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: Foxhack]
#234141 - 09/21/10 03:40 PM

> We already HAD a thread for this

I know but everyone was too busy ripping on ninjakid instead of addressing the topic!

The government always starts in baby-steps as they slowly chissel away at the Constitution.

This will just open the door to granting amnesty to all.

Tomu Breidah
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: PokeMAME]
#234150 - 09/21/10 05:40 PM

Be of "Good Moral Character".


so if you don't lie, rob, rape/molest, kill, and aren't drug dependent?

Or just haven't been convicted in a court of law?

But is it still good? You might ask someone that is in that particular situation if it's good or not.

One might say that it helps those that apply themselves and being granted 'citizenship' is a reward. "Congratulations, you're now a tax payer."

But who's paying for their education if they're in college?

If and when someone is identified or designated as "undocumented" (not having a visa or a green-card)....I'm not sure what's supposed to be done. But assuming they're not deported immediately they must let them stay here for some reason. Are they saying; "You're eligible to benefit from the DREAM Act, so let's make you a citizen, oh wait, you're here illegally (which would make you eligible)? Well you'll have to go back to where you came from."

It just sounds contradictory. And if they were truly of good moral character - wouldn't they realize they're breaking our laws by being here? The next thing to do is to go back and do it right - the legal way.

But minors aren't usually held responsible, and in this case they were dragged along with their parents.

Hmmm... Don't be condemned for the sins of your father/s.

The only thing I'm against is anyone taking advantage of our system and not putting anything back into it.

By being made citizens with (hopefully) a career that a "higher education" would presumably put them in they'd be making money. And if you make money you (should) pay taxes.


Tetris Mason
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: PokeMAME]
#234151 - 09/21/10 06:03 PM

I think we need immigration reform to streamline and expidite legal immigrants so its not so arduous a process that people say "screw it" and come over illegally. It took my wife six years of ridiculous paperwork to get her green card, and then had to wait 3 more years for her citizenship. Her family members are still waiting more than 8 years just to get a green card. THAT'S where our immigration laws are broken.

Here's my issue with the "dream act". If I were to not pay my income taxes... I would be fined and jailed because that's a crime... and a serious one.

Every illegal immigrant is working "under the table" and certainly doesn't file an income tax return. That's a serious crime.

Every illegal immigrant broke the law coming here illegally. That's a crime. In some countries you rot in jail for years upon years for entering their boarders illegally. Try crossing into Mexico illegally, and see how long you sit in jail if caught.

So by definition, illegal immigrants are criminals, and thus not of good moral character.

I oppose amnesty for people who did it the illegal way, and continue to break the law by not paying their share of income tax. I support making our legal immigration process more reality based to fill the obvious need for the millions of immigration workers the US economy is demanding.

Got No Where Else to Go
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: GatKong]
#234163 - 09/21/10 07:15 PM

I agree with everything you just said. They were criminals the
minute they crossed the border illegally. time to throw them out.

Am I against immagration? nope just feel it should be done legally.

I have to follow the laws of this country and so should everyone
else that steps foot on our soil, dont care what ur reasons are,
life is tough every where and there are ways to change that I have to go about
it according to the laws of this country so should the illegal aliens....

Dont remember the constition or the laws of this country excluding certain
groups of people for any reason....

Only here to annoy...

Giver of truth.
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: PokeMAME]
#234172 - 09/21/10 08:39 PM

> So, now, does anybody REALLY think this is a good idea?!?!?!?!?!?

Have you read Sen. Hatch's reasoning behind the bill?


Thank you, Mr. President. I rise today to introduce legislation that will help make the American dream a reality for many young people. “The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act,” or “The DREAM Act,” resolves immigration status problems that plague undocumented immigrants who came to our country as youths. It also removes barriers to education so that they are better equipped to succeed in our society.

Each year, about fifty thousand young undocumented immigrants graduate from high school in the United States. Most of them came to this country with their parents as small children and have been raised here just like their U.S. citizen classmates. They view themselves as Americans, and are loyal to our country. Some may not even realize that they are here in violation of our immigration laws. They grow up to become honest and hardworking adolescents and young adults, and strive for academic as well as professional excellence.

Many of these youngsters find themselves caught in a catch-22 situation. As illegal immigrants, they cannot work legally. Moreover, they are effectively barred from developing academically beyond high school because of the high cost of pursuing higher education. Private colleges and universities are very expensive, and under current federal law, state institutions cannot grant in-state tuition to illegal immigrants, regardless of how long they have resided in that state. To make matters worse, as illegal immigrants, these young people are ineligible for federal tuition assistance. Moreover, these young people have no independent way of becoming legal residents of the United States.

In short, though these children have built their lives here, they have no possibility of achieving and living the American dream. What a tremendous loss to our society.

One young man who is in this predicament lives in my home State of Utah. His name is Danny Cairo. Danny came to the United States at the age of six with his mother who abandoned him eight years later. Danny had to drop out of school in order to support himself. Fortunately, he met Kevin King, who adopted Danny in 2001. With the help of Mr. King, Danny is presently attending the University of Utah.

This story, however, does not necessarily have a happy ending. Because of the date of the adoption, Danny is unable to derive immigration status from Mr. King. He, therefore, lives in legal limbo and faces the threat of deportation daily. In addition, he may never be able to legally work in the United States.

As Mr. King wrote to me, “Danny is exactly what our country needs more of. He is a natural born leader with charisma and intelligence and a drive that will take him wherever he wants to go. But this will not be possible if Danny is unable to obtain permanent residency.”

Our laws should not discourage those with bright young minds from seeking higher education. We should instead assist and encourage the many “Dannys” who are in the United States and who have the dedication and drive to achieve their worthy goals. I am proud that the DREAM Act provides illegal alien children with options for higher education, as well as the opportunity to earn legal residence in the United States.

First, the DREAM Act repeals the provision of federal law that prevents States from granting in-state tuition to undocumented aliens, leaving this issue at the discretion of the States. My own state of Utah passed a law that will allow in-state tuition for aliens who have been residents in Utah for at least three years. Many states have either passed or are considering the passage of similar legislation.

But the fact of the matter is that cheaper tuition at state schools, no matter how beneficial for these young people, will not solve the larger problem: their illegal immigration status. While I do not advocate granting unchecked amnesty to illegal immigrants, I am, however, in favor of providing children—children who did not make the decision to enter the United States illegally—the opportunity to earn the privilege of remaining here legally. The DREAM Act will do just that. It provides young men and women who immigrated to the United States prior to the age of sixteen, who have lived in this country at least five years, and who are of good moral character a chance to earn their conditional resident status upon acceptance by an institution of higher learning or upon graduation from high school. The DREAM Act allows these special young people to pursue their worthy goals and aspirations.

The bill I am introducing today will extend DREAM Act benefits to a group of people who were excluded from a similar bill negotiated during the 107th Congress. Today’s bill removes the age ceiling so that no one will be arbitrarily cut-off from benefits. Moreover, while the version from the last Congress requires high school graduation as a provision for obtaining legal status, the bill I am introducing today contains a provision that allows high school students who have been accepted into an institution of higher learning, but who have not yet graduated from high school, to obtain conditional resident status. This provision enables these high school students to get an earlier start on procuring the necessary funds for financing their education.

Of course, we have to be mindful that the opportunity provided by the DREAM Act is a privilege and not an entitlement. We must make sure that those who reap the benefits of the Act are, in fact, worthy of such benefits. For this reason, the bill I am introducing today tightens certain requirements and eliminates waivers for those who have serious criminal records that would qualify them for deportation.

In addition, while I always want to encourage educational advancement, I recognize that not everyone’s circumstances allow for full-time attendance at a four-year college. For this reason, the DREAM Act provides for certain alternatives like attending community college, trade school, serving in our armed forces, or performing community service.

The purpose of the DREAM Act is to create incentives for out-of-status youngsters to achieve as much as they can in life and to contribute to the greatness of the United States. I recognize that if the bill’s requirements are so high that they simply operate as barriers to legalizing status, the bill defeats its own stated purpose. That is why I am committed to ensuring that the requirements imposed by this bill are reasonable and can be met by youngsters who are willing to work hard. The DREAM Act will enable youngsters who have ambition and motivation to obtain permanent legal status.

During the 107th Congress, I introduced a version of the DREAM Act (S. 1291). Since then, it has been replaced in favor of the Durbin/Hatch/Kennedy/ Brownback substitute. The substitute was put on the Senate calendar but did not receive a vote. The House Judiciary Committee debated identical legislation during the last Congress but it was defeated. The House Judiciary Committee has not yet moved similar legislation this Congress. I want to make sure that the DREAM Act we introduce in the 108th Congress will not die in the hopper as it did in the House last year.

By introducing this bill, I know I am subjecting myself to criticism from both sides of the aisle on my immigration policy. Some proponents of strict immigration enforcement argue that the DREAM Act will encourage illegal entry into the United States. However, the DREAM Act was carefully drafted to avoid this precise problem. The Act specifically limits eligibility to those who entered the United States five years or more prior to the bill’s enactment. It applies to a limited number of people who already reside in the United States and who have demonstrated favorable equities in and significant ties to the United States. Anyone who entered the United States less than five years prior to the enactment of this bill or who plans to illegally enter the United States in the future will NOT be covered by the DREAM Act.

On the other hand, proponents for providing general amnesty contend that there shouldn’t be any requirements after high school graduation. I agree that for some of these children, graduation from high school is a grand enough accomplishment in itself. My bill recognizes this achievement by providing these graduates with the reward of conditional resident status so that they may work toward permanent status without fear of deportation.

Nonetheless, some critics argue that most immigrant children cannot go to college, nor can they meet the standards set by the current version of the DREAM Act. They cite statistics showing that only a small percentage of illegal immigrant children ever attend college and they argue that this DREAM bill will benefit very few. What these critics overlook, however, is that without the DREAM Act, illegal immigrant children simply do not have the means nor the incentive to obtain a higher education. Since the DREAM Act will remove substantial obstacles to higher education, I am confident that many of the children who are currently illegal U.S. residents will seek higher education.

Some critics also contend that these immigrant children do not have the aptitude to attend community college or trade school and that even joining the military or performing a few hours a week of community service is out of reach for them. To this criticism I stress that this is not only wholly inaccurate, but it is also an elitist attitude to which I cannot subscribe. Immigrant children, whether legal or otherwise, are no less capable than other children. They just need the opportunity to reach their potential.

Mr. President, I also want to point out that everyone who was eligible for benefits under last year’s bill will be eligible again this year. In fact, as I explained earlier, those who were left out of last year’s bill are included in this year’s bill. The only difference is that now, the applicant has to contribute more to American society before transitioning from conditional resident status to permanent resident status.

I believe the DREAM Act will live up to its name. It will allow these illegal immigrant children the opportunity to not only dream of the infinite possibilities that their futures may hold in the United States, but it will also afford them the opportunity to realize their dreams. With the passage of the DREAM Act, the United States stands to benefit enormously. Once these children become legal residents of this nation, they will prove to be motivated, hard-working, and educated contributors to our society. I am pleased and proud once again to work with Senator Durbin on this important legislation.

Thank you, Mr. President. I yield the floor.

Oh for Pete's sake.

Giver of truth.
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: Renegade]
#234174 - 09/21/10 08:50 PM

> Dont remember the constition or the laws of this country excluding certain
> groups of people for any reason....

For an example of how our immigration laws are applied differently to certain groups of people,
please review the US immigration policy with respect to Cuban citizens (wet feet, dry feet),
which does not apply to citizens of any other country (that I know of).

Oh for Pete's sake.

Furry guy
Reged: 01/30/04
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: Renegade]
#234175 - 09/21/10 08:53 PM

> I agree with everything you just said. They were criminals the
> minute they crossed the border illegally. time to throw them out.
> Am I against immagration? nope just feel it should be done legally.
> I have to follow the laws of this country and so should everyone
> else that steps foot on our soil, dont care what ur reasons are,
> life is tough every where and there are ways to change that I have to go about
> it according to the laws of this country so should the illegal aliens....
> Dont remember the constition or the laws of this country excluding certain
> groups of people for any reason....

Affirmative action.

Reformed Sk3n3 Quitter
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: Gor]
#234176 - 09/21/10 08:55 PM

the part that gets me is add this
"Many of these youngsters find themselves caught in a catch-22 situation. As illegal immigrants, they cannot work legally. Moreover, they are effectively barred from developing academically beyond high school because of the high cost of pursuing higher education. Private colleges and universities are very expensive, and under current federal law, state institutions cannot grant in-state tuition to illegal immigrants, regardless of how long they have resided in that state. To make matters worse, as illegal immigrants, these young people are ineligible for federal tuition assistance. Moreover, these young people have no independent way of becoming legal residents of the United States."

to the clause in the bill that gives you credit for being in the services for 2 years

Its like
"can I work at Taco Bell"
"no you're a dirty illegal"

"can I go to college?"
"no, you're a dirty illegal"

"So how do I become a legit citizen then?"
"Well you don't - dirty illegal scum that you are"

"Well, can I at least join the army. get shipped to the ass end of god knows where and be shot at?"
"Well SURE you can son, just sign right here! You'll still be a dirty illegal when you get back though, IF you get back! Ha ha HAR"

Tomu Breidah
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It's only evil when a Liberal pushes the idea [nt] new [Re: Gor]
#234178 - 09/21/10 08:56 PM

Tetris Mason
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: Foxhack]
#234185 - 09/21/10 09:34 PM

>Affirmative action.

A perfect example of institutional racism. In the private sector, the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional... so now only your government can impose this racism on you.

Tetris Mason
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Re: For everyone's information, the DREAM Act is basically amnesty... new [Re: Gor]
#234187 - 09/21/10 09:40 PM

Meh... it's only logical that immigration policy varies by country of origin. To make that obvious, an imigrant from a country at war with us certainly needs more scrutany than one from a friendly cooperative country.

OK, so then, are our current policies for each country of origin fair? Apparently not, if people feel compelled to sneak over in the millions.

IMHO, if you're from central or south america... have no criminal history, are reasonably healthy, and have some education... you get a green card. No 3 year wait. What the hell is the 3 year wait for? Suposedly to "slow the tide." Slow the tide? No... divert the tide into illegal paths. They haven't slowed shit except to bar the good upstanding people who want to do things right. Why? WTF. Dumb dumb dumb.

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