Search results for query: jclampy (76 - 99 of 99)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Skull & Crossbones

Just wondering, the pixel aspect ratio for skull & crossbones is 14:5 but was the game in it's original cabinet displayed at that aspect ratio? D ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/31/11 01:05 PM
. Re: Any websites that poke fun at gaming? (primarily Arcade)

Maybe not so much on 'games' but the arcade machines; There are about 31 or 32 pages in total. Quite a few ...
The Loony Bin jclampy 10/31/11 02:35 AM
. Re: How to create a list of specific information from Mame.exe

Thankyou very much krick, that was absolutely fantastic!
EmuChat jclampy 10/23/11 08:07 AM
. Re: How to create a list of specific information from Mame.exe

Hmm, that does raise an interesting question, that I have no solution for. At the end of the day it looks like the 'aperture.png' needs to be impleme ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/23/11 06:02 AM
. How to create a list of specific information from Mame.exe

Hi all, I am wanting to create a list of 'x & y resolution' data only of all games. Don't need to include game names or anything else. For examp ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/23/11 04:01 AM
. Any websites that poke fun at gaming? (primarily Arcade)

Must be worth a laugh ofcourse. I submit this one; Now your turn!
The Loony Bin jclampy 10/16/11 06:53 AM
. Re: HLSL

If anyone is interested in the recent discussion I just posted a detailed message here: ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/15/11 11:27 PM
. Re: Quick Start MAME HLSL Guide

Yeah, give my settings a go with Metal Slug 1 and see what you think. You will have to change the resolution numbers to match your widescreen display ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/15/11 06:22 AM
. Re: Quick Start MAME HLSL Guide

EmuChat jclampy 10/15/11 04:27 AM
. Re: I'm trying to get HLSL enabled...

I just posted a quick start guide which you can access from here.;o=&vc=1
EmuChat jclampy 10/15/11 03:13 AM
. Quick Start MAME HLSL Guide

Here is a quick start guide I wrote that might help people that are new to using HLSL and also may help explain a few things for others? Although uno ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/15/11 02:23 AM
. Re: HLSL

ilya-v > Comparison: > > ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/15/11 12:08 AM
. Re: HLSL

EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 02:23 PM
. Re: HLSL

The 'shadow mask' is applied over the original games resolution right? So if game is 320x240 then 'shadow mask' should be 320x240. If you set your vi ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 12:57 PM
. Some of the worst games you have seen.

Probably opening a can of worms here. Twin Eagle Can anyone stand that for more than 1 minute? 1) What is up with the screaming banshee everytime y ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 12:51 PM
. Re: HLSL

ilya-v, after reading your second post a second time I think maybe you have got confused with the 'shadow_mask_x_count' and 'shadow_mask_y_count'. As ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 12:26 PM
. Re: HLSL

mesk > Hi everyone is anyone else experiencing a issue with hlsl? im using mame0143u5,with > custom hlsl settings and some I got from here a few ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 10:59 AM
. Re: HLSL

B2K24 > I'm inclined to agree. Nothing beats enabled HLSL in windowed mode with artwork/bezels enabled... You my friend have joined me at the bott ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 10:41 AM
. Re: WANTED: HLSL "seam" problems in u6

Mozii > > Hey guys. Jus wanted to ask, has this problem I mentioned earlier been worked on > for > > u7? Because it's giving me the sam ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 07:09 AM
. Re: The History of Ninja Baseball Bat Man

Re ~ about the games audio. Thankyou for fixing the problem of the audio stopping at the start of level 1 with Mame 0.143u7. I remember the fun I use ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 07:01 AM
. Re: HLSL

Umm, didn't I read somewhere that HLSL uses tri-linear or Ansioptropic filtering? HLSL still looks the same goodness to me as from back in 0.143u1 wh ...
EmuChat jclampy 10/14/11 06:52 AM
. Re: HLSL

> also HLSL in 0.143u5 doesn't like vsync + triple buffering Can you explain what symptoms you are noticing? I have 'triple buffering' ticked in ...
EmuChat jclampy 09/20/11 10:40 AM
. Re: The History of Ninja Baseball Bat Man

> the game in Mame0.143u2 has big sound bug,if it can be fixed? Audio problems still there in 0.143u5, everything goes quiet as soon as you begin ...
EmuChat jclampy 09/17/11 05:44 AM
. Re: HLSL

> Hi everyone is anyone else experiencing a issue with hlsl? im using mame0143u5,with > custom hlsl settings and some I got from here a few post ...
EmuChat jclampy 09/17/11 04:55 AM

Search results for query: jclampy (76 - 99 of 99)
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