Search results for query: vertigo911 (1 - 4 of 4)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: MAME malfunction / Bug report

Never mind just did. tnx
EmuChat vertigo911 02/03/14 10:59 PM
. Re: MAME malfunction / Bug report

Sorry, had no Idea I posted in news.. as I said, I'm new.. Can anyone here please help me post this on For some reason I am still ju ...
EmuChat vertigo911 02/03/14 08:21 PM
. Re: MAME malfunction / Bug report

Thanks for the fast reply! I'm still a "Viewer" there, but I will definitely do so as soon as I can. How/Where can I be updated regarding t ...
EmuChat vertigo911 01/31/14 01:56 PM
. MAME malfunction / Bug report

EmuChat vertigo911 01/31/14 01:30 PM

Search results for query: vertigo911 (1 - 4 of 4)
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