Search results for query: teardropexplodes (1 - 2 of 2)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Rolling Thunder, can't crouch and turn

Thanks everyone for your help! I have to say you're all wrong though! You are definitely able to crouch and turn while remaining crouched on the actua ...
EmuChat teardropexplodes 12/12/18 03:41 AM
. Rolling Thunder, can't crouch and turn

Hi all, I'm a gamer in his late 40s and i remember the golden age of arcades with much fondness. But I have a big problem that is annoying me so much! ...
EmuChat teardropexplodes 12/11/18 09:10 PM

Search results for query: teardropexplodes (1 - 2 of 2)
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