Search results for query: slooker (1 - 2 of 2)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. (RESOLVED: New to Ipac-4 -- It keeps trying to work as "Shifted"? Why?

I just figured it out. Apparently I just needed to ask for help =p My player 1 switch was in Normal Closed, not Normal Opened. The player 1 key is ...
Ultimarc slooker 01/30/14 06:30 AM
. (RESOLVED) New to Ipac-4 -- It keeps trying to work as "Shifted"? Why?

Hey guys, So I just got my ipac-4, and I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what. By default, I open up WinIpac, and the defaults for up, dow ...
Ultimarc slooker 01/30/14 03:32 AM

Search results for query: slooker (1 - 2 of 2)
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