Search results for query: rocky1987 (1 - 4 of 4)
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. Re: Pugsy's Cheat has been updated with MESS 0.147 softwarelist cheat files

Yeah at first i renamed it lol i didn't know what i was doing.
News rocky1987 10/11/12 10:23 PM
. Re: Pugsy's Cheat has been updated with MESS 0.147 softwarelist cheat files

It worked, thanks for helping.
News rocky1987 10/11/12 11:41 AM
. Re: Pugsy's Cheat has been updated with MESS 0.147 softwarelist cheat files

I am really new at this, i renamed it (mame -cc) or (mame -createconfig) but nothing happened when i enter the game.
News rocky1987 10/11/12 07:55 AM
. Re: Pugsy's Cheat has been updated with MESS 0.147 softwarelist cheat files

How do you enable cheats in mame 0.147? I downloaded the and placed it with the mame.exe, now there is no mame.ini file with the 0.147, so i ...
News rocky1987 10/10/12 11:36 PM

Search results for query: rocky1987 (1 - 4 of 4)
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