Search results for query: jololli (1 - 3 of 3)
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. Re: can't display in-game artwork in MAME 0.140

Got it, had to select 'Upright Artwork' in the Video options. Thanks for your help Mr. Do.
EmuChat jololli 11/21/10 06:34 PM
. Re: can't display in-game artwork in MAME 0.140

Hmm.... I re-downloaded the the zip from your link, and some of the files were indeed different, but the images still don't show up. In my artwork dir ...
EmuChat jololli 11/21/10 06:32 PM
. can't display in-game artwork in MAME 0.140

I'm trying to run Golly Ghost, which needs artwork to simulate the physical background of the original machine. I can't seem to get it to appear in th ...
EmuChat jololli 11/21/10 06:18 PM

Search results for query: jololli (1 - 3 of 3)
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