Search results for query: jjensen6823 (1 - 4 of 4)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: HELP!

Thank you so much! That got it working. In fact, I found that I didn't really need to unzip the file or put it in quotes, I just needed the full pat ...
EmuChat jjensen6823 08/20/15 02:17 AM
. Re: HELP!

Unfortunately, I didn't use MESS before the merge, so I am not sure what you mean by "loose files", unless you are talking about each games ...
EmuChat jjensen6823 08/19/15 10:59 PM
. Re: HELP!

Wow. Guess I should have thought of that. Okay, now I can get into the Atari 800 emulator, and it runs whatever I mounted in MESSUI. Is there a way ...
EmuChat jjensen6823 08/19/15 10:55 PM

Okay, I'm probably completely stupid, in addition to being a relative noob, but I could really use some help. I've spent close to 12 hours trying to ...
EmuChat jjensen6823 08/19/15 08:26 PM

Search results for query: jjensen6823 (1 - 4 of 4)
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