Search results for query: dylanx (1 - 3 of 3)
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. Re: Auto Rotate Screen HELP!!

well actually... ive just noticed that when i was playing marvel vs capcom, ctrl and alt are buttons used to play the game and the arrows move your ch ...
EmuChat dylanx 11/06/10 04:39 AM
. Re: Auto Rotate Screen HELP!!

well i just googled mame32, and this was one of the results that i didnt download yet, if you could post a link to the latest mame emu, that would be ...
EmuChat dylanx 11/06/10 04:34 AM
. Auto Rotate Screen HELP!!

it seems that every time i run any game on mame, within about 30 seconds into the game, the screen automatically rotates on me. i also downloaded many ...
EmuChat dylanx 11/06/10 03:30 AM

Search results for query: dylanx (1 - 3 of 3)
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