Search results for query: dizzlebomb (1 - 2 of 2)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: New version 0.2 of Linux UltraStik map upload tool now available

Hi Andy, I'm attempting to setup one of my two UltraStik360's that I purchased close to when they first came out, on a new Retropie setup and be able ...
Ultimarc dizzlebomb 06/23/20 06:14 PM
. Re: Ultrastik and ultrastikcmd on Raspberry Pi

Do we know the status of this on Pi 4? When I get into installing libhid (the 3rd primary step) I get errors that look like this during the 'sudo make ...
Ultimarc dizzlebomb 06/23/20 03:33 AM

Search results for query: dizzlebomb (1 - 2 of 2)
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