Search results for query: ccronik (1 - 7 of 7)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Is there emulator with: Autofire + Re-Recording to input file?

Thanks, but I tried it already. I now don't remember what was the problem, but that one didn't work for me.
EmuChat ccronik 09/18/13 07:48 PM
. Re: Is there emulator with: Autofire + Re-Recording to input file?

You are recording to input file. You save game at one point. When you made some mistake, you load game from that save point. All progres in input file ...
EmuChat ccronik 09/16/13 04:48 PM
. Is there emulator with: Autofire + Re-Recording to input file?

Hi! Actually, I have couple questions: 1. First: Is there some MAME version or some other arcade emulator that can doo re-recording to input file ...
EmuChat ccronik 09/16/13 03:12 PM
. Re: Is MAME inside avi recorder buggy?

Great, thanks! looks that my troubles are over
EmuChat ccronik 06/05/13 07:47 PM
. Re: Is MAME inside avi recorder buggy?

I tried to use updates/patches. So I placed patch.exe, diff.exe and 0148u1.diff files into my MAME dir. Then I've done next (tried to follow info on u ...
EmuChat ccronik 06/05/13 06:00 PM
. Re: Is MAME inside avi recorder buggy?

Ah, sorry for short information. Problem appeared in all official versions downloadable from MAME official site. And I had problem with every game tha ...
EmuChat ccronik 06/05/13 05:13 PM
. Is MAME inside avi recorder buggy?

Does anybody else has problem with recording games to avi? I my videos there are corrupted frames. For example, in one minute video there are few cor ...
EmuChat ccronik 06/05/13 03:58 PM

Search results for query: ccronik (1 - 7 of 7)
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