Search results for query: althor (1 - 2 of 2)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Exiting to desktop when press P1+P2

> You should be able to load up the iPac software (WinIpac) and change that Exit function to other keys or combo. I loaded WinIpac using an old l ...
Ultimarc althor 09/02/16 07:05 PM
. Exiting to desktop when press P1+P2

Hello, I've got an old ps2 version of an i-pac and I'm using it to play games in Mame (version 0.133u3). My problem is that when I press the player 1 ...
Ultimarc althor 09/01/16 11:04 PM

Search results for query: althor (1 - 2 of 2)
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