Search results for query: Ron347 (1 - 4 of 4)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Spyhunter Van light flashes in MAME64 but not MAME32

I found the cause for no flashing. It is the spy hunter game itself. MAME starts up where the game was running before. If there is coin registered the ...
EmuChat Ron347 12/31/18 01:33 AM
. Re: Spyhunter Van light flashes in MAME64 but not MAME32

URH, Not much happens in 5 revisions, my oldest machine runs a MAME version that is over 10 years old. "If it ain't broke don't fix it". ...
EmuChat Ron347 12/30/18 11:32 PM
. Stop toggle action in MAME input

A low/high shift stick like in spy hunter 1983 is a single switch. I have that switch assembly. MAME toggles (low high) on that input so I'd have to ...
EmuChat Ron347 12/29/18 10:12 PM
. Spyhunter Van light flashes in MAME64 but not MAME32

I have MAME64 v0.200 on win 10 PC and weapons van light flashes on screen (and on ouput = windows). However MAME32 same version v0.200 on XP SP3 PC wi ...
EmuChat Ron347 12/29/18 09:31 PM

Search results for query: Ron347 (1 - 4 of 4)
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