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. Re: TaitoGNET upd78081.655 missing message....NW

All sorted now, and thank you for all your emulation work..
EmuChat Mclaneinc 04/16/14 05:27 PM
. Re: TaitoGNET upd78081.655 missing message....NW

No but they were as shown, word for word... Don't know what happened, must have been playing slightly worse for wear and changed something, not like ...
EmuChat Mclaneinc 04/15/14 05:58 PM
. Re: TaitoGNET upd78081.655 missing message....NW

RESOLVED: Did a reset to default on MameUI (all settings) and now its going.. Thanks for the help guys, hope it maybe helps someone else in return.
EmuChat Mclaneinc 04/15/14 05:21 PM
. Re: TaitoGNET upd78081.655 missing message....NW

> you already deleted your diff folder and you got the mentioned chd at its wanted > place? No files in the diff folder after deletion of what ...
EmuChat Mclaneinc 04/15/14 05:01 PM
. Re: TaitoGNET upd78081.655 missing message....NW

Sorry, forgot to add it, I would not mind I beta loads of emu's..Senior moment.. Full message is: upd78081.655 NOT FOUND (NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN) (tried ...
EmuChat Mclaneinc 04/15/14 04:54 PM
. Re: TaitoGNET upd78081.655 missing message....NW

So unless I'm mistaken its a no dump, so should Mame just be treating it as a non file and just run or am I getting this wrong... I looked in the G- ...
EmuChat Mclaneinc 04/15/14 04:47 PM
. Re: TaitoGNET upd78081.655 missing message....NW

Hi Roman, Already checked with Clrmamepro but also by hand to check against corrupt files. There's no file that matched the upd78081.655 in the set ...
EmuChat Mclaneinc 04/15/14 04:37 PM
. TaitoGNET upd78081.655 missing message....NW

Hi guys, Saw the other G--Net thread and deleted the NV files as suggested, still get this missing upd78081.655 message with additional fatal error m ...
EmuChat Mclaneinc 04/15/14 03:46 PM

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