Search results for query: KonamiFan (1 - 3 of 3)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Super Cobra question

Oh, I get it now. I forgot to change the "allow continue" option from "No" to "Yes". Thank you for your help! Now I actu ...
EmuChat KonamiFan 02/07/14 10:50 PM
. Re: Super Cobra question

You need to hold down the fire button when "Game Over" appears at the screen, right? I did what you said, but the game just stays at that sc ...
EmuChat KonamiFan 02/07/14 10:33 PM
. Super Cobra question

I'm sure this is a stupid question, but I read at the Arcade Museum that you continue playing Super Cobra where you left off after you died. However, ...
EmuChat KonamiFan 02/07/14 08:55 PM

Search results for query: KonamiFan (1 - 3 of 3)
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