Search results for query: Doc Revelator (1 - 2 of 2)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: MAME 0.174 'Configure Machine' causes hang on Windows 10

Install/extract MAME 0.174. Put ROMs in folder. Boot MAME. Select ROM, edit config, save, play ROM, exit. Rinse and repeat. Working fine. Exit MA ...
EmuChat Doc Revelator 06/10/16 10:16 PM
. MAME 0.174 'Configure Machine' causes hang on Windows 10

Hi all, I'm relatively new to MAME, but am loving it. However, I'm getting a really weird problem with it. Running the latest version of vanilla MA ...
EmuChat Doc Revelator 06/10/16 06:55 PM

Search results for query: Doc Revelator (1 - 2 of 2)
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