Search results for query: DamenQuixotic (1 - 2 of 2)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Jpac + DDR Player 2 Left/Right Menu Buttons Won't Map

Player one and player two each have three menu buttons. Left, Select, and Right. On the player one side all three buttons map fine in Winipac v2. On ...
Ultimarc DamenQuixotic 10/26/15 03:05 PM
. Jpac + DDR Player 2 Left/Right Menu Buttons Won't Map

I have been able to map everything fine with my Jpac using Winipac v2 and windows 7. However, on player 2 side the left and right menu buttons won't ...
Ultimarc DamenQuixotic 10/23/15 04:52 PM

Search results for query: DamenQuixotic (1 - 2 of 2)
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