Search results for query: BAM (1 - 5 of 5)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: MAME HLSL - Windows vs. Linux

Hi, fantastic explanation and thank your for all of your time and effort for providing that! So the magic is in the bgfx_screen_chains parameter, wh ...
EmuChat BAM 01/07/23 02:56 PM
. Re: MAME HLSL - Windows vs. Linux

Attaching the modified hlsl.json file to this post. One other question if i may... I noticed that some of the other .ini files I have for other game ...
EmuChat BAM 01/07/23 02:51 AM
. Re: MAME HLSL - Windows vs. Linux

I made some changes to the default hlsl.json values successfully. I had to modify the radial_converge values from 2 to 4 decimal places to get the eq ...
EmuChat BAM 01/07/23 02:24 AM
. Re: MAME HLSL - Windows vs. Linux

Hi, I found the hlsl.json file in /bgfx/chains, going to have a play now - thanks very much for pointing me in the right direction BAM
EmuChat BAM 01/06/23 03:18 PM
. MAME HLSL - Windows vs. Linux

Hi all, I recently moved from Windows to Linux. When trying to apply my MAME HLSL config on the Linux version, I am getting very different results. ...
EmuChat BAM 01/05/23 11:53 PM

Search results for query: BAM (1 - 5 of 5)
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