Search results for query: Bekki Doll (151 - 175 of 707)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Nora Ephron (1941 – 2012)

I enjoyed two films she wrote screenplays for: "Silkwood" and "When Harry Met Sally...", the former left a lasting impression on m ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 10:10 PM
. Re: Downloading YouTube videos...

Quote: @Vatican: Are you greybeard or old school gamer?why keep creating new accounts? I'm thinking, "Consult user IP logs within forum pos ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 09:27 PM
. Re:

Quote: ...and an invisible strings section. Wouldn't that be John Paul Jones favorite instrument, the Mellotron? --Bekki
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 06:01 PM
. Re: Do. Not. Understand.

Quote: Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. They're chewy with liquid-filled centers! ;-) --Bekki
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 05:59 PM
. Re: Downloading YouTube videos...

Quote: "YooTobe" contains nothing I can identify as derogatory. So if it's obscure then it's okay to you, right? So I guess that rules ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 05:47 PM
. Re: Another reason not to use a MAC

Quote: Yeah, but the reasoning is excellent. Basically, it's 'Mac users like to spend more money' Apple electronic products are shiny, too. They ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 05:12 PM
. Re: Downloading YouTube videos...

Quote: How come you don't like YouTube? When you say "Ewe", do you mean ewe as in it stinks or ewe as in there's too much of the kind of a ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/25/12 10:56 PM
. Re: Would you take the new job....?

Quote: It's actually more than that. My current company only makes a 2% contribution to 401k, while the new one makes 10%. Plus there are benies up ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/25/12 08:42 PM
. Re: Downloading YouTube videos...

Quote: If you'd like to recommend a different video downloader, go ahead. I use an old version of FlashGet as my batch downloader simply because ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/25/12 08:14 PM
. Re: Would you take the new job....?

Quote: My wife is fully on board. She thinks is a great opportunity contract work or not. She is skiddish about it also. But change always is like t ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/25/12 07:58 PM
. Re: Freak out int he drive thru

Quote: "Just put it in your til, the register will tell you how much change to give me." No. Effing. Way. That's the closest I'll get ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/25/12 07:50 PM
. Re: How to Escape From Under a Moving Train

Quote: On that particular screen, I'm not sure exactly about the bottom part but the top part's "Destination Address" would be the IP addr ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/25/12 08:12 AM
. Workin' Them Angels - Hugh Syme

I ripped the MVI-DVD of Rush's "Snakes & Arrows" and figured out a way to extract clean artwork from its contents. Hugh Syme's illustrat ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/25/12 07:55 AM
. Alan Turing's 100th Birthday

The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/23/12 07:37 PM
. Re: Hey Minecrafting Binners...

Quote: - Did you see how he's selling/marketing it... Very indie. :-) About all I really know of KH's work is his Boulder Dash clones that I've ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/23/12 07:13 PM
. Re: How to Escape From Under a Moving Train

Quote: WARNING! "Blackhole exploit kit blocked by AVG" You just can't trust all websites nowadays. No wonder newbies' computers are f ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/23/12 05:15 PM
. Re: DU Update: Another vizit from Xzibit

Quote: Yeah thousands of games don't work, get used to it. Nearly tens of thousands *DO* work. That is pure awesome in and of itself. D00Dz look ...
News Bekki Doll 06/23/12 01:50 AM
. Re: I felt bad for him at first

Quote: ...and then I read he's turned down TWO free surgeries from reputable docs because of Howard Stern... Maybe he's holding out to play the ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/22/12 10:21 PM
. Re: Careful what you read, Hizz

Quote: ... ah, I wondered why I could pick up a copy in Philly in October but now it's nowhere to be found. I'd rather pay for an Onion sub tha ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/22/12 07:20 PM
. Re: Grilled wings and hot sauce

Quote: Franks is awesome stuff, but I end up adding heat to the hot stuff.....(yes, the red bottle)...I use the orange stuff on everything. Love it. ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/22/12 04:33 PM
. Re: Programming for a 9 year old, opinions please

I've been broadening my career options. Someone tapped me on the shoulder to become a teacher of a computer class. So I would up having to write about ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/22/12 12:22 AM
. Re: Prometheus

Quote: Are you trying to say Prometheus is a better movie than Piranhaconda? Holy cow! Michael Madsen stars in it! eh kills piranhaconda and do ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/20/12 03:55 AM
. Re: doom if it were done today

The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/19/12 11:23 PM
. Re: Ha! Taste of their own medicine

Quote: Take THAT dolphins! Snoop sez, "DEEZoctoNUTZ!!!!" ;-) Goodness who knows what perversions await in thar vast seas ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/19/12 11:04 PM
. Re: Prometheus

Quote: ...I'm more inclined to think that you might like it more or less, but the movie is not *that* bad. It all depends on what one is looking ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/19/12 10:29 PM

Search results for query: Bekki Doll (151 - 175 of 707)
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