Search results for query: Bekki Doll (126 - 150 of 707)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Who is your hottest celebrity?

"Married... With Children" rules! Ed O'Neill kicks ass! He kicks ass within any role he takes. :-) The writing is spot-on. It is a satire ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/05/12 05:05 AM
. Re: HP Touchpad on eBay - buyer beware?

Quote: Sure is cheap enough, but I think it might take a while to do useful stuff ....... Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit? Heard about ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/05/12 01:07 AM
. Re: Freedom Isn't Free!!!

Ah don' scriminate either. Eventually y'all wind up with ah geek widda 'puter and a score from a gol dang Mike Bay flick and can put sumpthin' tagedde ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/05/12 12:52 AM
. Freedom Isn't Free!!!

Heayllllllll yeah! I'm replyin' ya myself! That's *TRUE* FREEDOM and INDEPENDENCE! Jest remember thet when ya take, ass twat Sir Wallace sez, " ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/05/12 12:28 AM
. If you like Bread...

...well, at least I do. ;-) --Bekki
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 11:01 PM
. If you like Ved...

The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 10:58 PM
. Dis is dah Voiking!!!!

Merkin Patriotism is infectious! It's that *FREEDOM* that allows fullborne spread! Dese furriners see the fun in bourbon...and FIREWORKS!!! Real Murk ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 10:46 PM

I wonder how many people will sneak a small netbook in to show the surrounding patrons some MAME action before the feature begins. Well, besides me, ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 10:04 PM
. Re: I just peed myself!!!!

Quote: That video was GREAT!!!! Aye! An admirer of *TRUE* Patriotic Uhmeruhconna! Family! Dogs! Beer! A big 'ol tree stump! The backyard! And FI ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 09:29 PM
. Re: If you like Fred

The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 09:10 PM
. Re: If you like Ted...

The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 09:08 PM
. REAL MURKINS! Err, 'muricans. Uhh...whatever. ;-)

Ah yes! The TRUE embodiment of the REAL Patriotic 'merkin! Use that freedom that our country's forefathers in the best country on the planet, Duh Yooo ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 08:41 PM
. Re: EmuCR viruses

Quote: My question is, why would EmuCR insert viruses into their uploads? I thought they were somewhat reputable and trustworthy. I don't think ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 07:47 PM
. Re: Who is your hottest celebrity?

Quote: Who is your hottest celebrity? Ryan Dunn. Well, he was metal-melting hot for a few hours. He's not so hot now. In fact he's well done. ; ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 07:32 PM
. Holiday Fun! (...unless you're an America-hating Commie-hippy-peacenik-junkie atheistic sexual deviant)

Quote: We do our killing on New Years eve, the drunks are easier to target. Aye! It's usually a common occurrence when people get so intoxicated ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 07:23 PM
. Re: fireworks program/screensaver

Quote: Does anyone know of a good freeware fireworks program or screen saver? There was one that I ran for DOS back in the early '90s during my ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 06:47 PM
. "Today we celebrate our Independence Day!"

Jeebus H. Kheeeeeeeerist! That's a truly tacky quote. ;-) --Bekki
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 07/04/12 05:36 PM
. Re: Brand new Apple 2, ][, //, II book. (Most search-engine hated computer of all time?)

Quote: "...Apple II is kept alive today by a community of hobbiests..." My first impression from the home page of the website: Use a s ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/30/12 02:13 AM
. Re: Oreos want to double stuff your butthole

Quote: Hmm no oreo crumb donuts @ my local D & D..... The non-chain indie bakeries has them within the Penn Hills/Oakmont/Pittsburgh PA area ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/29/12 12:10 AM
. Re: Bug Princess 2 and Bug Princess 2 Black Label. What is the different?

Quote: Everyone loves playing with a stick. Joy? Stick? ;-) --Bekki
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/28/12 03:24 AM
. Re: Downloading YouTube videos...

Quote: You know, because of the Jews and all. Of course! Everyone knows how they are. ;-) --Bekki
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/28/12 02:29 AM
. Re: I am deeply offended by that cookie...

Quote: Because its, what, quintuple stuffed... When the best a good breeder can get is double stuffed. Thats bs. Although that cookie does make me b ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/28/12 02:17 AM
. Re: Downloading YouTube videos...

The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 10:58 PM
. Re: Oreos want to double stuff your butthole

Quote: Looks like they need to be preaching to the...dolphins... Heinz Getwellvet, you, and I know how perverted those dolphins are. That shoul ...
The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 10:46 PM
. Re: Oreos want to double stuff your butthole

The Loony Bin Bekki Doll 06/27/12 10:30 PM

Search results for query: Bekki Doll (126 - 150 of 707)
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