Search results for query: DaRayu (101 - 125 of 162)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Flip Queue Size

Oh, right. I didn't know that. But it's still not really the native resolution of the game. For example "Vs. Super Mario Bros." goes to 640x ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/24/13 09:52 PM
. Re: Sound propblems with vsync and games >= 60 Hz

Is there an option in MAME that can circumvent this somehow? And why doesn't it happen if the game is set to less than 60Hz?
EmuChat DaRayu 04/24/13 08:09 PM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

> Have you played with the usb polling rate? My keyboard isn't USB, it's the old style. Do you think this could have any influence? Are PS2 keyboa ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/24/13 04:27 PM
. Re: Which supergun to take?

> I don't know what you want a Supergun for if you're not going to use the controls on > it anyway. Being focused on "a Supergun" you' ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/24/13 03:17 PM
. Sound propblems with vsync and games >= 60 Hz

Does the following happen to you too? When you play a game in MAME and have vsync enabled and if your monitor is set to 60 Hz and the game runs at 60 ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/22/13 11:33 PM
. Re: Which supergun to take?

> > Also I'd like to know: How are the coin insert and the start button implemented in > > this case? > > Same as every other contr ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/22/13 11:22 PM
. Re: Input lag

> However, using Donkey Kong and 1943, I found that the time > from the caps lock LED coming on to the first apparent on-screen action (first ju ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/22/13 10:51 PM
. Which supergun to take?

I'm thinking about finally buying one of those superguns so that I can play "Street Fighter II" on the original hardware. That's why I'd li ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/21/13 10:28 PM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

Well, the good news are: The patch actually works on my system. Again, I changed the versions back to back: mame suprmrio -waitvsync still just react ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/21/13 06:54 PM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

Thanks. What's with the additional code? if (video_config.waitvsync || video_config.syncrefresh) etc. In my version, I just replaced the D3DPRESENT_ ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/21/13 11:51 AM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

> Anyway, in case you wanted to test, I can compile a MAME binary that bypasses the > normal D3D flip method by manually waiting for v-sync and ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/20/13 01:59 PM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

I tried. It produces the same results.
EmuChat DaRayu 04/19/13 10:13 PM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

Yes, this would maybe help. I would need 32 bit. Thanks. By the way, what do you mean with this: > Well of course you can force v-sync off from t ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/19/13 08:09 PM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

I use Windows XP for this. If the D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE issue is really the problem, can this be changed globally for the ATI card or for DirectX?
EmuChat DaRayu 04/19/13 11:53 AM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

Yesterday, I did some more tests. And it's true what I assumed: Direct3D with vsync lags only in fullscreen mode. If I use windowed mode, the results ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/19/13 08:38 AM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

Vsync is, as far as I see it, just as smooth as triple buffering. No tearing or stuttering. I haven't seen anything that triple buffering can that vsy ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/18/13 02:28 PM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

> well im grateful for your thread because i went off and did some tests of my own with > the game galaga'88 How did you do your tests? The sam ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/18/13 12:52 PM
. Re: Flip Queue Size

Thanks for all the answers. I feared that nobody will be interested, but it's nice to see that so many people contribute to it. @R. Belmont: Now th ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/18/13 12:32 AM
. Re: Input lag

> Regarding D3D, was that on an ATI/AMD Radeon card? Indeed, it's an ATI Radeon HD 4550. > Those currently have a series of > 3D driver bu ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/15/13 10:30 PM
. Re: Input lag

> I've never seen anyone figure out all the best settings to reduce it meaningfully. If > you figure it out let us know but I don't think anyone ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/14/13 11:18 PM
. Re: Input lag

> There are several brutal rapes of the MAME codebase floating around in the name of > reducing lag; this does not improve the reputation of peo ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/14/13 05:36 PM
. Re: Input lag

> Did you bother to do a forum search "input lag" Yes. There was some moron who complained about input lag without providing any real de ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/13/13 02:10 PM
. Re: Input lag

> Input lag in MAME is a subject with a certain history, that's just begging to turn > into a shitstorm. Why? It's something that can objectiv ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/11/13 11:47 PM
. Re: Input lag

OK, seriously: How come that my last few posts were pretty much ignored? When I registered here and asked a question, I always got an answer pretty qu ...
EmuChat DaRayu 04/11/13 10:57 PM
. Re: Input lag

I've done some tests on input lag myself now. I'll check the material tomorrow. Is anybody interested in reading the results then?
EmuChat DaRayu 04/10/13 11:17 PM

Search results for query: DaRayu (101 - 125 of 162)
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