Search results for query: edcosta (76 - 100 of 100)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Noise in monitor 15khz

my mame cabinet has a monitor Wei-ya 820h 19" and when it is in front-end, 800x600, it hears an acute noise, and when I load a game (eg. Moon Pat ...
Hardware edcosta 02/29/12 10:41 PM
. Cabmame 0.145 - thanks SailorSat! -nt-

Hardware edcosta 02/21/12 09:05 PM
. Re: Hardest games in mame

EmuChat edcosta 02/03/12 02:47 AM
. Re: Post the latest arcade PCB you bought

here is my Raiden DX pcb bought in September 2011, since still does not work in mame... and an Arkanoid aftermarket acquired in November 2011.
EmuChat edcosta 01/28/12 03:21 PM
. Re: Frontends

i uses mameload TNG, easy setup...
EmuChat edcosta 01/01/12 02:19 AM
. Re: Christmas is coming soon,what do you expect Mame in 2012?

inaccurate sound effects and zooming glitches and a wrong backdrop fixed in Gijoe.
EmuChat edcosta 12/30/11 12:40 AM
. Re: Christmas is coming soon,what do you expect Mame in 2012?

a avatar it is worth more than a thousand words...
EmuChat edcosta 12/09/11 05:15 PM
. Re: Arabian (Atari) - background musics

to who be interested... levels 1 & 3: Rimsky Korsakov - Scheherazade levels 2 & 4: Rimsky Korsakov-The Young Prince and Princess page intro ...
EmuChat edcosta 11/30/11 02:10 PM
. Master Ninja - hack of Shadow Warriors

some work in Master Ninja (bootleg of Shadow Warriors/Ninja Gaiden)?
EmuChat edcosta 11/05/11 03:13 PM
. Re: Games which benefit more than others when Overclocked..?

> > > I know it sucks I once overclocked Contra to 125% and I think it was much > > > better...... no lag and all. > > > & ...
EmuChat edcosta 10/25/11 03:32 PM
. Re: Games which benefit more than others when Overclocked..?

> I know it sucks I once overclocked Contra to 125% and I think it was much > better...... no lag and all. > > But then everything was ba ...
EmuChat edcosta 10/23/11 10:00 PM
. Re: Decap Donations

> I donated a bit of money. It's about time we looked at those Seibu chips. I donated as well! my avatar already tells...
News edcosta 08/06/11 12:19 AM
. thanks!-nt

EmuChat edcosta 08/05/11 07:31 PM
. arkanoid pinout

I bought an Arkanoid aftermarket pcb, but I do not know the pinout. does anybody know? (I think it is Taito Classic pinout...see pic)
EmuChat edcosta 08/05/11 04:41 PM
. Arabian (Atari) - background musics

does anybody know whats they are the musics that play in the attract mode and in the page 2 & 4?
EmuChat edcosta 07/16/11 11:25 PM
. Re: CabMame game over?

> - smooth video and audio very nice in Cabmame it is just that does not have sound hicups with Triplebuffering...
EmuChat edcosta 01/07/11 02:33 PM
. Phelios (Japan) no attract music

using M1 Arcade Sound Emulator, I saw q there is a background music in attract mode (Opposition to Dupons-Opening Demo). however in mame, the backgrou ...
EmuChat edcosta 01/04/11 05:36 PM
. CabMame game over?

Cabmame no more updated? anyone know about?
EmuChat edcosta 01/04/11 01:38 AM
. Re: Update @ Kale's 16 Dec

> Wow, could Fire Barrel be any more of a Raiden ripoff?? Raiden and Tokio...
News edcosta 12/16/10 10:01 PM
. Re: Just talked to the Dr... What chips would this be toward?

> Check the avatar - he's probably one of the people who thinks decapping Raiden II > would be worth a damn. for this game in particular, I wo ...
EmuChat edcosta 11/25/10 03:12 PM
. Re: what do you expect Mame in 2011

I hope more decappings, of course...
EmuChat edcosta 11/22/10 02:55 PM
. Re: where is the Dr. Decapitator? it died?

I will keep my money and am going to wait the 'Doctor" announce again to receive donations...
EmuChat edcosta 11/22/10 02:52 AM
. Re: where is the Dr. Decapitator? it died?

> Nothing has changed since the last time you asked this. oh! a long time ago...
EmuChat edcosta 11/21/10 08:46 PM
. where is the Dr. Decapitator? it died?

I want to donate $700 to decapping, but he does not give life signal...
EmuChat edcosta 11/21/10 12:35 AM
. Decapping donations

can anybody tell if is the Dr. Decapitator is active? it is important I know for my future donations...
EmuChat edcosta 09/19/10 11:17 PM

Search results for query: edcosta (76 - 100 of 100)
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