Search results for query: utarcade (1 - 2 of 2)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: What all is going to work when I connect a J-Pac to my Blitz 99 cabinet with 49-way sticks?

I have a complete Blitz 99 contol panel that works great ready to go. Took it off and making a MAME control panel. Going to be selling on craigslist ...
Hardware utarcade 10/15/10 09:53 PM
. Connecting old Wells Gardner K7000 Monitor to PC

I am trying to connect my PC to a Wells Gardner K7000. This monitor has your standard RGB input in the vert and horiz sync and ground. Will the Arca ...
Hardware utarcade 10/15/10 05:35 PM

Search results for query: utarcade (1 - 2 of 2)
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