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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: How to Run 6502 hex games on MAME?

see above link its my gaming board, it old but same board i have and i don't know who is manufactures and which ic/microprocessor use for audio/vid ...
EmuChat shiv 04/19/18 01:27 PM
. Re: How to Run 6502 hex games on MAME?

its not just 6502 CPU, More than that chip, IC and RAM, but question is In normal PC how we can Run that 6502 game files even using "MAME" ( ...
EmuChat shiv 04/19/18 07:24 AM
. How to Run 6502 hex games on MAME?

I have old 6502 game where I am flash games on 6502 microprocessor and Play but now board not working so I am Try "MAME" but how to run Hex ...
EmuChat shiv 04/18/18 09:40 PM

Search results for query: shiv (1 - 3 of 3)
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