Search results for query: shade99gt (1 - 3 of 3)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: MAME bug - Can't unpause when SHIFT key is mapped to Pause function

> I would be rather surprised if being able to use the shift key to unpause in any > remotely recent version wasn't just your memory playing tri ...
EmuChat shade99gt 02/01/16 08:07 PM
. Re: I don't get it.....

> The IPAC shift function works just fine. The only time you'll accidentally exit a > game is if you're pressing the pause button that the same ...
EmuChat shade99gt 02/01/16 08:03 PM
. MAME bug - Can't unpause when SHIFT key is mapped to Pause function

Not sure when this bug was introduced but it was in one of the more recent versions since I never used to have this issue before. I map the SHIFT key ...
EmuChat shade99gt 01/28/16 09:43 AM

Search results for query: shade99gt (1 - 3 of 3)
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