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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Ms. Pac Man blue maze bug fix

Wow, thanks, that actually worked
EmuChat saturatedfats 03/20/17 07:43 PM
. Re: Ms. Pac Man blue maze bug fix

Well, I guess you're right, it doesn't matter that much at all
EmuChat saturatedfats 03/20/17 06:44 PM
. Re: Ms. Pac Man blue maze bug fix

I just wanted to emulate my personal favorite arcade game without some bugs, sorry that my lack of knowledge about MAME offends people here
EmuChat saturatedfats 03/20/17 03:27 PM
. Re: Ms. Pac Man blue maze bug fix

What? It's 1 byte, why wouldn't I think that?
EmuChat saturatedfats 03/20/17 02:47 PM
. Re: Ms. Pac Man blue maze bug fix

Thanks but MAME won't accept the rom after the modification to fix the blue maze bug. I didn't think MAME would care about 1 byte changing but oh well ...
EmuChat saturatedfats 03/19/17 07:28 PM
. Ms. Pac Man blue maze bug fix

Some guy fixed the blue maze bug in Ms. Pac Man by changing a single byte of code, check out Anyway, I was w ...
EmuChat saturatedfats 03/19/17 06:00 AM

Search results for query: saturatedfats (1 - 6 of 6)
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