Search results for query: rocko720 (1 - 4 of 4)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Scramble and clones Issue........

Thanks.... It just says that I'm missing the roms...It is obviously something on my end....I'll check it out further. Thanks again.
EmuChat rocko720 07/17/11 01:54 AM
. Scramble and clones Issue........

Hello all.... Just wanted to know if anyone else has noticed that Scramble and it's clones all refuse to load as if I have the wrong roms...Using the ...
EmuChat rocko720 07/17/11 01:05 AM
. Re: cheapest arcade cab

Hi.... If you live in or near southwest ohio....I'll sell you a cabinet for $20.....Heck I might even give you one... Rocko720
The Loony Bin rocko720 02/08/11 01:42 AM
. Re: DU Donations Drive: 3+ /edited 3X

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This shit is TOOOOOOOOO funny.....losers.
News rocko720 11/03/10 10:43 PM

Search results for query: rocko720 (1 - 4 of 4)
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