Search results for query: neoldschool (1 - 4 of 4)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. final romance r : cannot apply settings

My apologies if this is not the right place to post this. I have a problem with final romance R (fromancr) After changing some values in the setti ...
EmuChat neoldschool 01/22/14 02:00 PM
. Re: MAME : cannot display roms alphabetically

okey thanks both for the fast answers, I'kk definitly check the fontends
EmuChat neoldschool 01/28/13 11:53 PM
. Re: MAME : cannot display roms alphabetically

I did not know that the mame ui was a backup solution. I wonder if this way to select ROM is a new feature of MAME or if there is a way of configure ...
EmuChat neoldschool 01/28/13 05:47 PM
. MAME : cannot display roms alphabetically

Hi ! In the MAME ROM selection screen, the ROMs are by default displayed at random and I must plug a keyboard to search games. Also, I cannot scroll ...
EmuChat neoldschool 01/28/13 03:48 PM

Search results for query: neoldschool (1 - 4 of 4)
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