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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Exposing MAME Dipswitches for Atari 2600 (and possibly others) for key binding

As additional info... I did find that the keys noted as PORT_CODE in the a2600.cpp work directly... So 'C' does toggle color/b&w. 3 and 4 toggle ...
EmuChat krystofio 06/11/16 02:11 AM
. Exposing MAME Dipswitches for Atari 2600 (and possibly others) for key binding

I ask this because I've two spinners I want to use against Atari 2600 roms. That means Stella won't really work for me since it just sees one 'mouse' ...
EmuChat krystofio 06/10/16 11:13 PM

Search results for query: krystofio (1 - 2 of 2)
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