Search results for query: kevinlayne (1 - 2 of 2)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Eliminate LCD motion blur -- CRT quality on 120 Hz LCD -- with MAME software black frame insertion

Great to know, i do not play a whole lot of pc games where i would still warrant a 300 dollar monitor...but thank for the info....btw i live in canada ...
News kevinlayne 03/14/13 12:33 PM
. Re: Eliminate LCD motion blur -- CRT quality on 120 Hz LCD -- with MAME software black frame insertion

Sounds Great and the idea of it all...but seriously the only monitors it will work on are all high end 120 hz or higher LED PC Monitors.... ...
News kevinlayne 03/13/13 03:04 AM

Search results for query: kevinlayne (1 - 2 of 2)
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