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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: HLSL

New more accurate Aperture. A quick google search show thatt CRT TV pixel looks like this: ...
EmuChat ilya-v 10/14/11 06:04 PM
. Re: HLSL

jclampy, did you even try what I have written?
EmuChat ilya-v 10/14/11 03:39 PM
. Re: HLSL

> The 'shadow mask' is applied over the original games resolution right? So if game is > 320x240 then 'shadow mask' should be 320x240. Not exa ...
EmuChat ilya-v 10/14/11 01:39 PM
. Re: HLSL

No I haven't confused them. Its 40x30 so that the RGB lines will be visible. I also noticed that If set to 10x10 the number of RGB pixels is not 10x ...
EmuChat ilya-v 10/14/11 12:39 PM
. Re: HLSL

Confirmed. Mortal Kombat doesn't black out.
EmuChat ilya-v 10/14/11 12:16 PM
. Re: HLSL

I did too managed to set the filter so it would look close to a CRT tv but I did not use the shadow_mask_alpha (0.0) option at all. What I'm trying t ...
EmuChat ilya-v 10/14/11 09:00 AM
. Re: HLSL

Few Problems and Info: shadow_mask_alpha, when set to 1.0 it simulates a real CRT monitor without the picture of the game behind it. Anything below ...
EmuChat ilya-v 10/12/11 06:37 PM

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