Search results for query: drck (1 - 10 of 10)
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. Re: MAME plus 0.152's pitch keeps flactuating on some games.

Latest MAME won't even detect half of my roms
EmuChat drck 06/16/15 01:05 AM
. MAME plus 0.152's pitch keeps flactuating on some games.

Pitch keeps going low and back to normal ingame on some games. Any possible fix/solution?
EmuChat drck 06/15/15 08:56 AM
. Re: Fix for sound in game going lowpitch?

I wish he can beat Darth Vader and stop some games from going lowpitch at some points. Man, I joined this site hoping that I would get help from the ...
EmuChat drck 06/15/15 04:26 AM
. Fix for sound in game going lowpitch?

When I'm playing some games. Deathsmile and Martial Masters to be specific at the moment. The sound goes lowpitch, kind of sounds like Darth Vader b ...
EmuChat drck 06/14/15 07:26 PM
. Re: Is there a way to play like this in MAMEUI64

Also, is it possible to set a single virtual cabinet artwork for all games? As in make it universal? instead of setting up ones individually
EmuChat drck 06/14/15 10:53 AM
. Re: Is there a way to play like this in MAMEUI64

Thank you sir! Really big help!
EmuChat drck 06/14/15 10:00 AM
. Re: How do I make IV-play show games that I only have?

i didn't quite get that.... is that a cmd command? And also... I just figured out that 30% of my games are not working, but they work on an older bui ...
EmuChat drck 06/14/15 04:08 AM
. Is there a way to play like this in MAMEUI64

Something similar to Darkstalkers Resurrection on ps3, it has a background like this. I want it to look like I'm playing on an actual arcade machine s ...
EmuChat drck 06/14/15 01:56 AM
. Re: How do I make IV-play show games that I only have?

Is there a faste rway of adding games to favorite list? Instead of manually going 1 by 1 on my games. I have over 1000 games and adding them 1 by 1 is ...
EmuChat drck 06/14/15 12:29 AM
. How do I make IV-play show games that I only have?

Kinda amateur into the MAME scene. Any help would be appreciated. How the I hide/remove all these bunch of games that I don't even have and only show ...
EmuChat drck 06/13/15 11:22 AM

Search results for query: drck (1 - 10 of 10)
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