Search results for query: classicarcadefan (1 - 9 of 9)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Are there any games finalburn neo can play that mame can't?

I only want to know what arcade games that only work in fbneo, not console games. I tried searching my question but google just gave me results with f ...
EmuChat classicarcadefan 03/11/24 08:58 AM
. Are there any games finalburn neo can play that mame can't?

I have only used mame and I know mame has way more games. Was wondering are there any specific games that only work in finalburn neo and not in mame?
EmuChat classicarcadefan 03/06/24 12:24 PM
. Re: Need help loading atari 7800 software roms please.

Ok I figured it out. I needed to put the a7800 roms into the roms folder, then choose the cartridge instead of "start empty", and now it wor ...
EmuChat classicarcadefan 03/03/24 02:21 AM
. Need help loading atari 7800 software roms please.

I downloaded atari 7800 software split roms (zipped) from pleasuredome torrent and put them in "sl/a7800" folder in mame folder. I load the ...
EmuChat classicarcadefan 03/02/24 11:42 PM
. mameui on "" vs "" differences?

mameui263 from is 484mb with 2835 files & 361 folders. MAMEUI from is 468mb with 2362 files & 273 folders. ...
EmuChat classicarcadefan 03/02/24 10:42 AM
. Easiest way to update mame extras- snaps,artwork, cpanel, samples

Is there an easy way to update the mame extras when a new release comes? I don't use all the extras, but a bunch of them I do use. Is there a torrent ...
EmuChat classicarcadefan 03/02/24 09:50 AM
. Re: HBMAME 0.245.17

I apologize if this has been answered before, but why is hbmame named 0.245.17 and not aligned with mame name 0.262?
News classicarcadefan 02/24/24 07:47 AM
. mameui 0.262 "error parsing renameset.ini"

When I start mameui 0.262 I get error popup saying "error parsing renameset.ini". I am getting that error because it is named incorrect, or ...
EmuChat classicarcadefan 02/20/24 06:05 PM
. mame category "show clones=no" still shows clones?

Using normal mame 0.262, when I use a category and set "show clones" to "no" it will still show clones in the list. Am I doing so ...
EmuChat classicarcadefan 02/20/24 06:01 PM

Search results for query: classicarcadefan (1 - 9 of 9)
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