Search results for query: benchyuk (1 - 4 of 4)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Re: Scanlines mame 0.145

I would just like to thank everyone for there help. I downloaded mameuifx32 and it has cured everything. I now have hlsl which was missing from my pre ...
EmuChat benchyuk 05/23/12 12:10 AM
. Re: Scanlines mame 0.145

Great thanks for the info, I have just got complete set of roms for 0.145 so am worried if i download new binary alot of them may stop working
EmuChat benchyuk 05/22/12 11:09 AM
. Re: Scanlines mame 0.145

Wow thanks for all the responses and so quick too very impressed thankyou all. As I say im a noob at this so please go easy on me if I download the aa ...
EmuChat benchyuk 05/22/12 10:11 AM
. Scanlines mame 0.145

Hi all i'm new to mame and had a general query if someone would be kind enough to help me out as it's driving me insane. Iv'e been using mame32 which ...
EmuChat benchyuk 05/21/12 11:31 PM

Search results for query: benchyuk (1 - 4 of 4)
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