Search results for query: Marios1449 (1 - 4 of 4)
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Subject Forum Poster Posted on
. Original arcade modes

I'm trying to make arcade perfect original video modes such is 320x224 for Sega with the Nvidia Display control on Windows. But very low resolution mo ...
EmuChat Marios1449 12/27/18 11:22 AM
. Pixelated graphics

Why MAME graphics are pixelated without bilinear filtering and blurry with it. What should i do to make it exactly as the real arcade game?
EmuChat Marios1449 12/21/18 09:10 AM
. Keepaspect = 1(on) and Aspect = auto commands in MAME

I don't understand whats the difference of Keepaspect = 1(on) and Aspect = auto commands in mame.ini file in MAME and how are used? Also what is the u ...
EmuChat Marios1449 10/02/18 03:14 AM
. Some tone generated music inaccurate.

Some tone generated music inaccurate.
EmuChat Marios1449 06/04/18 11:51 PM

Search results for query: Marios1449 (1 - 4 of 4)
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