Search results for query: MarianoRyu (1 - 8 of 8)
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. Re: Cool Riders sound?

> > When is this finally going to happen? > > When you do the hard work and emulate it. Sorry to break it to you, but no-one's > worki ...
EmuChat MarianoRyu 08/22/14 03:01 PM
. Cool Riders sound?

When is this finally going to happen?
EmuChat MarianoRyu 08/19/14 04:35 PM
. Cool Riders sound

Any news about when this will be fully emulated?
EmuChat MarianoRyu 06/26/14 10:53 PM
. Cool Riders sound?

I would like to know if the Cool Riders sound emulation is being worked on, or if it will be in the near future. There is of course no hurry, I am as ...
EmuChat MarianoRyu 11/08/13 09:43 PM
. Cool Riders status?

Just wanted to know how close it is to being emulated and working.
EmuChat MarianoRyu 02/16/13 09:24 PM
. Cool Riders OST

I would like to know if the Cool Riders "Born to be Wild" theme can be ripped in any way. I know that by the latest MAME release, the game i ...
EmuChat MarianoRyu 04/20/12 01:07 AM
. Re: Cool Riders?

I know that it's the only game in its type of hardware, and by no means I expect to see it out before it's ready. But all data that I've come across s ...
EmuChat MarianoRyu 08/26/11 09:25 PM
. Cool Riders?

Just wanted to know if this game is being worked on and if there's been any progress. I have tried googling of course, but I haven't come across much ...
EmuChat MarianoRyu 08/22/11 03:52 AM

Search results for query: MarianoRyu (1 - 8 of 8)
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